Silent Master wrote:
they look great. now u need space ninjas to fight them
well, the Cantina crew, it's a like Space Ninjas
danielb wrote:
I think danielb would be a pretty great space pirate. Unless you have other plans there...
Oh yeah those look great though.
well there was that cliff hanger at the end of the season...
Blood Brigade wrote:
Not just awesome, Awesome in space awesome.
The Spectre wrote:
Very cool.
Thanks gents!
DanOfTheDead wrote:
Great stuff. What's the coat on the woman from, and what head is the Admiral's. Love the use of the resolute destroy lower arm there.
The admiral's head is from a Bionic Commando figure I found at a local toyshop.
Imber Ferro's coat is from Star Trek Nero, I do believe. I teased her pic before, but here is a closer look:
A closer look at the Pirate de Braun:
and Doc Diego:
Seeing my pics from my old set-up reminds me I need to work on a better set up here when I get the chance.
For background, "The Pirate deBraun" (that's how he's know throughout the Fringe) is an infamous Pirate Captain. Doc Diego is more gunslinger than Pirate, but has joined his crew nevertheless. Imber Ferro is a part time associate. While mostly autonomous, deBraun does still report back to the Admiral.
Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.