The ribbed sweater torso of the ROC Neo-Vipers (and company) put me in the mood to make a Flak-Viper out of one of them for a long time. But it wasn't until the opportunity to get an accessory-less Naval Neo-Viper that I ended up acting on it. The black torso and metallic blue limbs gave me such an Urban Flak-Viper (or as it was unfairly called, Nullifier) vibe. Had to do it.
And I've had that zany gun from a Star Wars figure since 2009 waiting for the right project to use it on... And it seemed like a good modern anti-aircraft gun to equip the Flak-Viper with, so I went with it.
Head: Vortious Custom Accessories cast
Body: Naval Neo-Viper
Cannon: Star Wars Clone Trooper
Rifle: ROC Hawk
And since I love Crimson Guards and I love Neo-Vipers, I decided to make a Crimson Neo-Viper Officer to go with my Crimson Neo-Vipers. Very much an LBC, it's just new accessories added to a stock Crimson Neo-Viper body.
Thanks for looking!
You're far too young to be this bitter and angry at the world....