I can't believe this is finally done! I started this so long ago that RoC was still relevant. Shortly after I finished my
Razor Gunship, I decided I wanted to make a second in the black and red deco from the RoC video game. But I didn't want to track down/pay for another Imperial Shuttle, so I picked up a Republic Shuttle when it was on sale, then gathered up the rest of the prime pieces (the Evac Fighter, the DTC Hiss...the Night Raven I already had), and started cutting. Unfortunately, it didn't come together as well as the Razor had. So I stopped for awhile, and just let it sit. And sit. And sit. Until I finally got sick of tripping over the half-finished custom. So I decided to finally pick it up again, years later.
The Republic Shuttle isn't as sleek as the Imperial shuttle, so I designed this one to be a heavier gunship than the Razor. As for the name, the gunship is never named in either the movie or the video game, but in the behind-the-scenes material, it is referred to alternately as the Razor or the Typhoon. Since I used Razor last time, I went with Typhoon for this one.
Typhoon Gunship:
Main body: Republic Shuttle
Cockpit/wings: Aliens EVAC fighter
Cockpit sides: DTC HISS
Engines/wing tips/missile launchers: RoC Night Raven
Tail: S6 Dragonhawk
Other: Tons of misc kibble, lots of scratch styrene
Troop compartments open:
With its sister-ship: