Houston, we have pads.
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Well, mostly, at least. Thank goodness for Spy Troops: The chest protector is from the back of a Cobra CLAWS bulletproof vest, with a bit of plastic from a JLU Rocket Red armor glued on. The thigh pieces are the shin guards from the Grunt (to Cobra CLAWS) figure.
Those I'm settled on; the shin guards either will be Rocket Red armor built onto the Burnout MP pads, or a gray pair of the Grunt-to-CLAWS shin guards. In either case, I have a different pair of knee pads that will go on the figure.
Also, I'm trying really hard to make all the pads removable, but these thigh pads are frustrating. The position you see is the position that they will stay on the figure. If I cut either strap, then there is not enough of an arc to hold the pad on in any position. So, poll time: what's more important? The dorky strap over the leg sculpt details, or removability?
Oh, yeah, and I went over the helmet once more with the sander bit on the Dremel; the white patch is where I nicked a small hole in the plastic and patched it with super glue and paper.
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I've started /thinking/ about the FAFNIR system for this version of Fast Draw, and that I might use a 25th Roadblock ammo pack for the base. It'll be an excuse to get the single-card when it comes out.
But whether to remain tubeless, or go with something more akin to my new sculpt Fast Draw (with Metalhead leg rockets), I don't yet know.
Fast Draw's FAFNIR system is one of the truly imaginary gadgets in GI Joe, right? I can't google anything like it anywhere.
Midgarn's Dio-Stories: Tales of G.I. Joe!
\/ - means I'm on the laptop with the broken 'v' key.