My turn to share my entries in this past NJC. Really had a lot of fun this time, and would probably have kept going with even more, had there been more time.
My Harley
The bomb is from a Chap Mei Police set
With my Joker. One of my favorite pics
Enough so that I played around with some comic style things involving it
But, true to form I was already making changes to customs before the entries had even closed.
Small change to Harley - I didn't like the way the paint rubbed off the handle I made for her hammer, so I gave it a wrap. kilcarr helped me come up with the idea of it, and I went with yellow. I'll hint only that she used one of her trophies to wrap the handle.
Here is Joker as submitted
But then I changed him up a bit too. Gave him skinnier black dress pants. I'm not 100% sold on the belt, but I view it more as a waistcoat anyway. Also gave him tails instead of the half-assed first attempt:
And I know I'm overdoing the comic effect shots, but I ran this one through a painting filter, and I love the way it turned out
Something about the sculpt of that head...
Just really comes alive in the effects shots.
Anyway, moving on:
Basically the new Joker figure with articulated black arms and a Henry Jones head
My son was excited because he had direct design input on two figures, and one got a couple votes. The second Harley I made, classic style, was done for his collection
As was Armored Batman
(couldn't find my good pics of him, lol)
Classic Batman was just an excuse to add variety to Batman's hall of armor
Oh, and I also fixed Stephanie's eyes a bit since the submission (still needs work)
Did I miss anyone?
Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.