Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes where summoned to appear before the remaining masters off The Arashikage Clan. The purpose was to face judgment for their actions since the death of the Hard Master and their parts in the current state of the clan. Tommy exposed the involvement of the Koga, Faceless Master, the mercenary Zartan and the machinations of Cobalt, the Cobra Commander that brought them together in order to fracture The Arashikage. Snake Eyes stood with his blade brother in acceptance of what ever judgment was passed. The remaining masters decreed that, together must rebuild the clan. That while the name StormShadow was continued to be used as the chief bodyguard and assassin for Cobra, Tommy would be known as The Phoenix Master, for both the hope of the resurrection of the Arashikage as well as his knowledge of the rebirth technique. SnakeEyes would become their Silent Master, for less poetic reasoning. Kim Arashikage, Jinx, the Charm Master would join the Blind Master in recruiting, training and educating a new generation of the Arashikage, but first the rouge elements and those responsible for it's fall would have to be dealt with.
You Can't Shake Hands with the Devil and say you're just kidding...
Y'know... Super King Big Nuts of Sigma Six has a nice ring to it...
Blue Laser