Got a great test gift from the gents at Angelforge, my noggin in the clear crystalline blue I use to represent invisibility or a chameleon spell. Always wanted to make one for my fantasy self custom since invisibility is always part of my adventuring or exploring kit. The major problem was trying to find a set of similar clothing to my current set, which is trimmed Assassin's Creed Doctor outfit, with the Prince of Persia Dastan belt, and Leonardo DaVinci's legs also from the Assassin's Creed line. Wanted a good set of exploring boots.
This was/is as close as I am going to get given what is out there amongst the affordable Star Wars holographic figures. I even managed to craft a single arrow from the stem of the holographic Emperor Palatine's shooting power bolts(not pictured). Now if only I can find a recurve bow in the same crystalline blue.
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It took a Count Dooku base, Obi wan lower arms for the boot covers, and the cape to use for the shoulder yoke. The item I have to reattach that came off during all the boil and popping was the custom arrow string bag that the original has. The blue one was made from a holographic Plo Kloon's cheek meat, and my arm guard was cut from a holographic Ki Ari Mundi wrist. He also sent me my favorite medusa head and a mind flayer done this way so they will get the same invisibility treatment. I know, using clear would be better, but I know nearly every clear done existing toy both here and in Japan, and save an invisible woman for my medusa, the clothing analogs just aren't out there, even among Thundercat or Hobbit fare.
Sometimes, the mad are driven that way. Some Stuff.