Unknown to the public, back in 1980 Robert Faulkner, his brother Thomas, his two sons (Peter and Henry), and a handful of their close special operations teammates strived to secure U.S. sponsorship as an elite special mission force, the very contract G.I. Joe attained. The Faulkner’s, devastated to lose the bid, turned to mercenary work. Redefining themselves, the Faulkner Group made billions of dollars fighting in secret proxy wars of the 80’s and 90’s, while G.I. Joe basked in the headlines. To amass their fortune, The Faulkner Group sided with whomever paid the highest and which sometimes meant switching sides during a war. Carrying out nasty extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, unsanctioned assassinations they devolved into little more than death squads. Using their nefarious gains they began purchasing vast amounts of advanced hardware. Finding backing and financial investments from many of the less scrupulous nations and organizations of the world, they bought many undeveloped designs from M.A.R.S. and Extensive Enterprises and built an army. From time to time they cross paths with the Joes and in some cases cross swords with them in the Jungles of South America and Africa, to the cold despot nations of Eastern Europe. The Faulkner Group is evenly skilled, equally armed as G.I. Joe.
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File comment: Frogman: Triton Head: CORPS! Arms: Wet-Suit V3 Torso: Undertow V1 Waist: Lampreys V1 Legs: Lampreys V1
TRI14a.jpg [ 218.52 KiB | Viewed 1726 times ]
File comment: Tank Driver Code Name: Tread Head
TD03a.jpg [ 186.87 KiB | Viewed 1725 times ]
File comment: Pilot Code Name: Strafe Head: Dee Jay Torso: Slip Stream Arms: Sci-Fi V1 Legs: Backblast
P08a.jpg [ 247.22 KiB | Viewed 1723 times ]
Last edited by Phobus on Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:00 am, edited 2 times in total.