So, I've been in the middle of moving all summer, and all of my fodder and paints have been packed away, and I've been going creatively stir crazy. So, while I wait to get my workshop set back up, I decided to give bead spriting a try. For those who don't know, bead sprites are video game sprites recreated with plastic beads that you then iron into one solid piece. I wanted to recreate some sprites from the old GI Joe NES game (which, even GI Joe aside, is just one of my favorite games). So I started making some. And then some more. Then I branched into other games because this is ADDICTIVE AS HELL. So now I have this giant pile of bead sprites I have no idea what to do with, and it is ever growing.
Anyway, here are some of the ones I did from the Joe NES game, and a few from Megaman X just for kicks.
Snake Eyes, Raptor, and a Buzz Boar
Vile, Zero, and Megaman