These were supposed to be my entries for the last NJC. I actually had them all done before the deadline but wasn't able to snap pics till today. Saturday was my wife's bday, which we spent in NYC then we headed up to Maine for a long weekend. I was hoping to take pics of them in Maine but forgot them at home. Anyway, here they are.
The Caper Clan is a family of hooligans that traveled space looking for libations and debauchery. Upon finding Joe's Cantina the family declared that their traveling was done.
I wanted to make figures that with an accessory change could fit Dr Bindy's verse and my own. So with a change of web gear and a lower legs swap on my wife's figure I can have zombie survival versions of my family and me.
My wife made a request for "robotic armored legs" hence the lower legs. She picked the colors for her figure.
Sorry about the crummy pics, my phone has decided that no matter the light source it is going to blow out the bottom of every pic.