Finished up the Boat Patrol with Stake-Out today.
Head: bBi
Torso and Upper Arms: 50th Flint
Lower Arms: Cobra Shock Trooper
Legs: RoC Paris Pursuit Snake-Eyes with RoC Snake-Eyes feet
Adventure Wheels boat with minor mods and added gun mount using Retaliation Ultimate Roadblock's .50 cal
S.A.S. Silent Attack with Beaver is complete!
Head: Star Wars Baron Fel
Torso and arms: RoC Duke
Legs: Retaliation Joe Colton
Life vest is a 30th Airtight vest with the rebreather removed, and the hat is dremeled out from RoC Shipwreck.
Silent Attack is an Adventure Wheels Kayak with a bunch of added bits and bobs.
Because I am insane, or maybe because Celebration always gets me working lately I'm going to try and do some more challenges (in addition to finishing a commission and putting together entries for the PHX contest and the NJC, or trying to anyway).
When I finished up the Black Major I thought I should try and do another figure, and maybe an Alpha vehicle too.
Hit Wal-Mart this morning looking for the exclusive Dark Knight Returns figures they're carrying (found the ones I needed too!) and saw these in the toy car aisle.
So, let's see if I can't finish up my own versions of these . . .