So, we had this dog that liked to play and get all excited. This was fine, except that when you finished playing, and had to do something else (like go to work,) the dog liked to go into your room and grab something of yours and then chew it to pieces. In my case, the dog went downstairs into my GI Joe room and picked up a $75 Club Exclusive Steel Brigade Zombie figure, off the deck of my FLAGG, surrounded by $3 keychain Joe Diver figures. Needless to say, I wasn't especially happy.
I figured I would buy one of those Steel Brigade/Iron Grenadier two-packs and see if I couldn't salvage the parts:
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Then I took a look at that Iron Grenadier figure and realized that the color scheme was absolutely not something Destro would outfit his soldiers in. Plus it had that LOLhuge gun that I had to have explained to me was from the Colonial Marines game. I decided to make something with that figure. Using a head I got in a fodder lot from iwbeta that I thought was reminiscent of "Hellboy as Human" I tried to make a named character of it:
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