After running a bunch of errands I needed to do after work, I found myself in the vicinity of the Bergen Town Center (formerly the Bergen Mall). I hit the TRU down below and having no luck there hit the Target in the mall proper where I FINALLY found the "Marvel Legends" Defenders Of Asgard comic pack I have been hunting for over a week.
Everywhere I went, I always found the other 2 sets (Machine Man/Iron Man and Vance Astro/Falcon Cap) but no Lady Thor/Odinson sets until today. This was the only Marvel item I saw at Toy Fair that was worth picking up.
I mainly wanted it for the Odinson, who will be a big meathead barbarian in my fantasy diorama. Lady Thor will hang out with my movie Asgardians on a different shelf or possible be a female Titan as she is taller than most of my regular 3.75" fantasy figures.
Founding Member Of The CSOTC (Customize Something Other Than Clones) Society
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