So I screwed up majorly and forgot to pledge during the KS because I thought I had already. I pledged for his first movie KS that wasn't successful so maybe that was why I thought I pledged for the action figure one.
So I messaged Sandy the day after and asked if I could still take part and he was okay with that so I sent payment via Paypal.
Once all the figures were produced and received I figured I would message him to see if I was still on the list. He must have been busy because he missed that communication. So I waited a couple more weeks and messaged him again and he replied and apologized that I was missed on the initial shipment. It was my fault so I wasn't upset or anything.
Anyways I got the figures today and I have to say they are great. He even threw in one of the translucent ones and a little trophy thing. Filming just finished up last week. I pledged for the movie too so I can't wait till that comes out. That was actually the only non-action figure related Kickstarter I have pledged to.
I also got a trophy to mount on the wall