After finishing up the Crystar figure, I wanted to get The Rock figure finished. This was the tattoo experiment. Over all it worked pretty well, but the tattoo I used wasn't quite fit to the figure. Over all it probably needed to be reworked and refit, but I used it as is and hand drew the rest of the details in. It doesn't perfectly match Rock's tattoo, but it does work.
This is a honey wheat blank. I layered other colors over it to get what I feel is pretty accurate to the Rock's skin tone. I used a Roadblock movie head and sanded the goatee off. That was actually a slight raised sculpted feature so it had to get sanded off and reshape all around the mouth. The elbow and knee pads are from slicing in a black blank so the joints aren't needed to be painted. There's a small amount of milliput to add some details. The shoes are built up and sculpted with milliput too. I gave the body a slight gloss look with clear coat to create a sweat look, or baby oil as they like to oil up. This first shot is without a flash to give an accurate color detail.
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With the flash, more details are visible but the colors are washed out. Still you get an idea of the tattoo.
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He is poseable. The tattoos can chip, but they are pretty durable. I'm going to be playing with that idea for a while but over all the tattoos work great staying away from the joints. Getting close to the joints, they still work, just not as something you'd want to pose over and over.
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