Suntzu wrote:
chad_ghost wrote:
Really, most of the 2nd and 3rd tier guys have little to no story: Big Boa, Cesspool, Scrap Iron, Wild Weasel, Interrogator, Skycreeper, etc.
I'd need a better definition of "respect" as the word is being used here but at a glance what he said ^
Personally i cringe when i see Dojo from the ninja force lineup (i cringe when i see most of the Ninja force).
"Respect" is something pretty much lacking with all Cobras, both in the comics and the tv cartoon. What I was shooting for is not what characters are ignored from a character development standpoint, but from those who usually are the butt of the jokes when their story has been told. Again, Croc Master - whenever he shows up in the comics, they kill him. He's just cartoon cannon fodder. And, I do like the thought of Zandar - the less cool, dorky brother of Zartan.