#1 Iron Griffin piloted by Cheetah sponsored by MARS (by pluv)
Speed: 5
Agility: 3
Durability: 4
Favorability: 3
Pilot - Cheetah
Real name - Ani O’Loiter
Head: Marvel Universe Aurora
Body: MU Gamora
Hands: PoC Storm Shadow
Helmet: NASCAR knockoff
Vest: Han Solo
“Oh, you don’t have a shielded warp engine? Good luck with that. Hey, what are doing?! That’s a bumper not a claw! Oh come on, how can you have rocket boosters without rockets?! No, no, no, that’s a GPS not a targeting device! WHOA! No one said anything about pre-race scanners!”
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M.A.R.S. sponsored Iron Griffin
Base body: RAM
Frame and fairing: pullback atv from 2DARK2C
Windscreen: Lego
Front leg fairing: Cobra Survellance Port
Warp corp engine: 4 x lightsaber hilts and Lego tube
Thruster nozzles: Tamashi Nations
Front stabilizers and rear stabalizer: Star Wars build a thing
Iron Griffin
Financial News
Military Armorments Research Syndicate (NASDAQ: MARS) announced today they will be entering the RAMJET SUPERMOTOENDURO competition with the company sponsored Iron Griffin. CEO James McCullen Destro, the XXIV revealed the new state of the art vehicle as a concept showpiece for MARS’ new foray into the civilian transportation and recreational vehicle market.
“The MARS Iron Griffin was designed with one word in mind: legacy. We aim for a new horizon, one in which we can make getting from here to there a little easier, a little safer, and I’m not going to lie, a lot more fun.”
The patented Warp (tm) engine was originally developed as a competing booster engine design for the Tesla Space X program. Its secret power source appears to share some similarities to the Hammer Industries reactor. It has a shielded deflector that can convert to a radar. It also has an additional rear-launched drone using the S.H.E.L. (System Helper Environment Logistics) platform, that can aide with additional areial visuals and independent global positioning mapping. Finally, the windscreen also acts as a HUD.
Originally the bike was going to be orange. But then I found some transparent red spray paint and decided to do the pilot in orange and the bike in red. I figured everyone else would be doing the tack some big ol' engines onto a RAM blueprint for this and I want to show something different. First, I wanted to have a street glide style windscreen. Second, I want the engine to attach directly to the RAM frame. Third, while looking for a seat, 2DARK2C had sent me some vehicle parts and the solid atv body fit like a glove and added to the street glide look. There is very little of the actual RAM visible which hopefully will give other people inspiration for how far they can take this project.
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