The GamerVerse figures are starting to show up at Target now too.
MSRP: $19.99
DPCI: 087-16-3924
UPC: 630509722860
As for the figures, Ryu is great. He has swivel calves? Whatever that exposed leg to the ankle area is called, on top of rocker ankles. So he can get into some poses and the gi is rubbery and can be removed. The wrists are what surprised me. They are just pegs, not hinged. So those open hands are permenantly bent like that. But the alternate fist hands are nice and they pop in and out easy enough, but not too easy.
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I got the Collector pack for Collector (pretty much a SDCC re-release), but really, really like the Civil Warrior figure (an alternate universe Steve Rogers adopting the Iron Man tech). It is a solid figure (both weight and sculpt), but needs a stand if you want him to hold the shield with the blast effect.
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