josh.kestner wrote:
Corps New Recruits - Expand the line up
Over the years Lanard has proven that it's dedicated to action figures. Unlike Hasbro there seems to always be figures of some sort in the Corps line on the shelves. With the addition of the newer figures, vehicles, and sets (rampage and Kong) it's clear they are will to offer us up something to collect and work with. Most of us I'm sure and a ton of Corps figures and body parts laying around,
My suggestion is the we take these figures and parts and expand the Ranks of the Corps. However, instead of using all Joe parts to make them, we use what they give us for the most part. I recommend that at least 50% of the parts that are use must come form action figures made by Lanard over the years. If you don't have any parts or figures they are cheap and readily available. A little paint and some imaginations and let's see what you got.