I need to make a new background for pics.
Here are tonight’s figures
Thump was an Orc blacksmith before losing his hand in battle. He replaced it with a razor sharp scissor that is bolted directly into the remaining bone. He also carries a selection of axes and a hammer each of which he is deadly with using his one remaining hand.
Berserker. His true name is lost being called upon to slay any and all that stand in the way of the raiding Orcs. He takes trophies from those he deems worthy after spilling their blood.
Ooff is an Orc healer as well as a skilled fighter
Djinn is the bastard son of an Orc Warlord and a Jiniri, Djinn was cast out by the Jinn. The Orcs accepted him after seeing not only his prowess in battle but also his mystical abilities.
Snake Goddess, Coatlicue.
The rise of the undead, the opening of Stargates, the rise of mysticism and magic, human and undead sacrifice, the return of the Old Gods. The resurrection of Aztec deities. Who’s to say what is and isn’t possible in the new world that has risen from the ashes.
Doctor Manhattan (censored)
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