madame o rear.jpg [ 240.01 KiB | Viewed 860 times ]
My first Bionic Six character, presented as a Cobra bioweapons trooper.
This is the ONLY image I can get to upload, guys. I keep saving and re-saving other versions of the other images, but when I submit them, I get the "the image is too big" warning. I'm saving them well under the limit, but for some reason when I try to load them the file size jumps up.
I give up.
But, I wanted to show off the latest figure. I'll add other images if/when I can figure out the problem.
So, for now, enjoy Madame-O, as seen from the back...
If anyone has any solutions or ideas, I'd be very grateful. So far I've reset my browser, deleted extra files, and saved the image "for the web". I'm not sure what to try next.