As the demons screamed across his homeworld's sky the Korbin people initiated a program to engineer protectors as they planned to flee their galaxy burned. One project in this program selected animals as the 'chassis' upon which a Korbin citizen would be upgraded to super-powered protector. The desert predator known as a 'betaray' (pr. buh-TAR-ay) was selected due to the female's powerful musculature and overall savagery.
As the process involved the elimination of the citizen's entire body cell-layer by cell-layer to preserve his/her nervous system, most died from the horrific trauma. Indeed, as the process required the subject to remain awake for proper mapping most of the survivors were driven insane.
However, a citizen known as Bill survived the delamination process, and the subsequent rebuilding process as mechano-genetically upgraded betaray cells were laid down to build a unique battle chassis. Although the source betaray was female the upgraded chassis has a unique tripartite genome incorporating the betaray, citizen Bill, and purpose-written code for the biomechanical upgrades. He's left with his original male genes as a courtesy.
In time though a tale best told elsewhere, this Betaray Bill came to be empowered by magicks of the Norse god Odin and granted a mystic weapon known as the Stormbreaker. One enchantment of the hammer enabled Bill to transform his superhuman form back into his long-destroyed Korbin form - and all the other forms involved in his protector state. Although the situations in which his source predator betaray form is useful are few and far between; Bill does occasionally need a body suited for evading detection as a superpowered being and which his civilian Korbin form is less capable of performing.
As an ambush predator in the high deserts of Korbin, the betaray is best thought of as a 'vulture monkey' leaping down from dry cliffsides upon far larger prey and clawing them to death. The unique 'withered' head evolved to minimize bacterial infection when shoved into the rotting carcasses of their prey.
The betaray here is built off the MU Colossus body with MU Beta Ray Bill's head and the paws and back splines of the Attack of the Clones Nexu 'cat'. ... 628304428/