I had a pretty interesting GIJOE dream last night.
I was (my dream character) at my job and I had to step out to use the facilities on another floor or a separate building. No bathroom in the area I was. I went to the other building and it was kinda like a dollar store but not named as such.
I finished and went to head back when I happened to walk down the toy aisle. The store was about 30 feet wide and about 70-90 feet deep, so there were a lot of long shelving sections.
I looked down and saw a bunch of GIJOE I had never seen before.
The figures were posed in 3/4 action shots facing left, under bubble packaging. The first set had crisp post white edges, like the kind that came with Med-Alert, and that style artwork. One Cobra set was named Rock-Vipers, and included a repainted Alley-Viper with another figure made up of different parts.
A second Cobra set was 2 TARGAT-Viper, with TARGETs in more tradional Cobra blue colors.
There were other packaging designs, which seemed to signify some being older than others. There was a definite ten years of packaging designs.
A JOE set had four figures in a boxed with a window. Can't recall the far left or far right figures, but the middle left was a Spirit v1 in all dark brown (like wood clipboard/grizzly bear brown), while the middle right was a Dusty with Sandstorm, but in a lighter brown (sand colored) and had an Outback torso instead of the Dusty torso.
There were about 30 different sets of various sizes, which were difficult to hold onto to carry or search the remaining pegs. Down on the lower shelf I saw an end of a box sticking out that had the end the coloring of the Action Pilot/Marine/Sailor/Soldier line. It was a longer box, and seemed to include Hot Wheels track building style components.
It was vivid enough of a dream that I remember having an armload of packages and wondering if I had time to get to the front of the store, get a cart, load it up, check out, and get back to work within tenminutes.
I felt that even if I cleaned everything out, it would only cost about $35-$40, and was over a 100 0-ring figures.
When I woke up, I just got the impression like these had been wasting away in some warehouse and they were gathering dust (like actual dust on the bubbles) until I saw them.
It's been awhile since I've had this type of finding figures in the wild dreams.
Back around 85 I had a dream I was in a big warehouse style department store (like Sam's Club or BJs, or even Lowe's and Home Depot). Very tall shelving with wide aisles, and the customers could access all the low stuff on regular shelves and pegs, but bulk storage up on top.
I remember seeing a new JOE vehicle, which was a blimp. A full, Goodyear style inflatable blimp with a gondola cabin below. The artwork was slanted, just like the rest of box art, and I saw it came with an exclusive figure 'Slipstream'. Imagine my surprise months later when I see the catalogs and box art for the Conquest with Slipstream.
_________________ Hero Machine Real Characters: https://tinyurl.com/yyguul9eHero Machine Original Characters: https://tinyurl.com/y59j5gmdHero Machine Other properties: https://tinyurl.com/y48nnp8u