momaw nadon wrote:
I just fear the future of collecting any toy, as if you look at it now Hasbro can demand secondary market prices that I know many of us don't really like for anything now. This is something that shouldn't have gone out to be crowd funded from a company that didn't really come up with anything new. Did the 30th version really not sell that well? I guess I jut don't understand why they would have done this. Even at $80 to a $100 on this, I would have picked it up in stores no problem. Would have most likely got a few, if on the shelves. I don't see anything they did to the Skystriker that warrant the extra $130 to the price. Everything done on this project was what most of us customizers do already. It's a total win for the big company, as they don't risk anything either way. Though on the other hand not so great for consumer, as now we get saddled with the up front cost of manufacturing on top of regular retail costs. Then the other edge of the sword is they now know we are hard up enough to keep on doing this. I see this is much like how second hand stores (non profit) work, as they get everything donated to them. They don't risk anything as they don't have any up front cost to stock anything. Though with second hand stores have to give back a percentage by law to do what they do. Hasbro found a way around that in my eyes with this and I can see more big companies following suit. Which you can say what is the problem as we buy things anyway, but I find that it kills competition and creativity. Not to even factor in cost of things will be going out the window. Though I guess it doesn't matter at the end of the day, just the way I see it.
momaw nadon
It's more than just a 30th Skystriker. It includes 5 figures with accessories and cloth parachutes that's a retail value of $50 alone, if you consider that they're limited exclusives you're looking at $150 in value for just the figures. Plus there's an additional vehicle that would probably retail for $25. That's $175 with out the two stretch figures, the updated skystriker, the extra decals, the extra bombs, or the exclusive stand. It's fair to call it expensive, it's not fair to say it isn't worth the price.