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 Post subject: Figure Idento-Fun Grid-style 092322 - Weekend Wrap-Up!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:33 pm 
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Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman
Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: !!BEYONDER!!
One big push to get this complete round of figures ID'd ... daunting task made easy by the combined brain might of the JC Geniuses!

Grid_21.jpeg [ 659.26 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid List 21:

1a - Red Ninja V
1b - Slice V1
1c - Custom Deadpool
1d - Storm Shadow V
1e - Storm Shadow V
1f - Custom Gray Ninja

2a - Marvel Universe White Hand
2b - Iron Man Mandarin
2c - Red Ninja V
2d - Storm Shadow V
2e - Zartan V
2f - Vypra V

3a - Jinx V1
3b - Wolverine Movie Deadpool
3c - Dice V1
3d - Custom Storm Shadow Apprentice
3e - Red Ninja?
3f - Red Ninja?

Grid_22.jpeg [ 648.62 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid List 22:

1a - Storm Shadow V
1b - Mortal Kombat?
1c - Marvel Universe Red Hand?
1d - Marvel Universe Psylocke
1e - Storm Shadow V or Slice?
1f - Marvel Universe Black Hand

2a - Custom Black Ninja-Ku?
2b - Storm Shadow V?
2c - Iron Man Mandarin
2d - Jinx V2?
2e - Storm Shadow V
2f - ?

3a - Storm Shadow V
3b - Custom Jinx
3c - Snake Eyes V
3d - HISS Driver
3e - Copperhead V
3f - 25th AVACs

Grid_23.jpeg [ 654.67 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid List 23:

1a - Neo-Viper
1b - Mars Trooper
1c - Neo-Viper
1d - Neo-Viper
1e - Mars Trooper
1f - Elite Viper

2a - Custom ‘short’ Shipwreck?
2b - Desert Cobra Trooper v?
2c - Desert Cobra Trooper v?
2d - Desert Cobra Trooper v?
2e - Desert Cobra Trooper v?
2f - Desert Cobra Trooper v?

3a - GIJCC Rise of the Robots Cobra Commander
3b - Cobra Commander V?
3c - Movie Ripcord
3d - Hatless Gung-Ho V2
3e - Pilot Keychain Figure
3f - ?

Grid_24.jpeg [ 655.71 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 24:

1a - GIJCC Oktober Guard (Convention Set?)
1b - GIJCC Oktober Guard (Convention Set?)
1c - Movie Heavy Duty
1d - Acceleration Suit Ripcord
1e - Mars Trooper
1f - Mars Trooper

2a - Python Patrol Major Bludd (Convention?)
2b - Serpentor V
2c - GIJCC Munitia
2d - Destro V
2e - Marvel Universe Deadpool
2f - Indiana Jones?

3a - GIJCC MOTH Shipwreck
3b - 25th Pilot Scarlett
3c - Dollar General Shipwreck
3d - GIJCC GI Joe
3e - 25th Gung-Ho
3f - GIJCC MOTH Chuckles

Grid_25.jpeg [ 673.9 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 25:

1a - Admiral Keel-Haul V2
1b - ?
1c - Funskool Metal Head?
1d - Disguise Baroness / Lady Jaye?
1e - Overkill
1f - Custom Electric Eel

2a - Cobra Stinger Driver
2b - Custom Eel
2c - Comic Pack Duke
2d - Night Force Flint
2e - Lamprey
2f - Ninja Ku?

3a - ?
3b -
3c - Sputnik Convention Figure
3d - Countdown?
3e - Battle Cobra Commander V2
3f - Battle Cobra Commander V1

Grid_26.jpeg [ 672.99 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 26:

1a - 25th Crankcase
1b - 25th Leatherneck
1c - 25th Outback
1d - Custom Steel Brigade Spirit
1e - Custom Steel Brigade Barricade
1f - Custom Steel Brigade Tunnel Rat

2a - Star Wars Robot Custom
2b - Star Wars Robot Custom
2c - Custom Figure - Riptide
2d - GIJCC Steel Brigade Gung-Ho?
2e - Custom Steel Brigade Doc
2f - GIJCC Steel Brigade Roadblock?

3a - Cobra Trooper V?
3b - Cobra Stinger Driver V2
3c - Cobra Commander V
3d - Keychain Pilot?
3e - 30th Diver Black
3f - 30th Diver Orange

Grid_27.jpeg [ 685.14 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 27:

1a - GIJCC Oktober Guard (Convention Set?)
1b - GIJCC Oktober Guard (Convention Set?)
1c - GIJCC Con Figure:
1d - Slice V2?

2a - Custom Marine -
2b - Funskool Ripcord?
2c - Red Laser Viper?
2d - Custom Shipwreck
2e - Renegades Ripcord
2f - Wild Bill V

3a - Cobra Stinger Driver V
3b - 25th Scrap Iron V
3c - Python Patrol Copperhead? GIJCC?
3d - Python Patrol Crimson Guard? GIJCC?
3e - 25th Ace V
3f - 30th Diver

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Grid 28:

1a - Custom?
1b - Corps Construction Guy
1c - Custom Lamprey
1d - Cobra Soldier V?
1e - 25th Chuckles
1f - GIJCC Heavy Water

2a - 25th Scarlett V1
2b - 25th Snake Eyes V?
2c - Custom Lamprey
2d - Red Laser Cobra Soldier
2e - Custom RED RAVAGE
2f - TF Crossover Ravage

3a - Custom Lone Ranger
3b - Custom Tonto
3c - Custom Lamprey
3d - 25th Rip It
3e - 25 Flash V1
3f - 25th Grand Slam V1

Grid_29.jpeg [ 677.2 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 29:

1a - Copperhead V?
1b - ?
1c - 25th Breaker?
1d - 25th Steeler
1e - Desert Cobra Flamethrower?
1f - Retaliation Flint?

2a -
2b - Custom Electric Eel
2c - Custom Dress Marine
2d - Custom Dress Marine
2e - Para Viper
2f - Custom Lamprey

3a - Firefly?
3b - Toxo Zombie?
3c - Custom Figure
3d - Custom Figure
3e - Custom Eel
3f - Custom Eel? or V2?

Grid_30.jpeg [ 681.91 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 30

1a - Movie Hawkeye
1b - Cobra Commander V?
1c - Cobra Commander V?
1d - Cobra Immortal V2
1e - GIJCC Oktober Guard (Con set?)
1f - GIJCC Oktober Guard (Con set?)

2a - ?
2b - Movie General Hawk
2c - BAT V?
2d - Overkill V2
2e - Cobra Soldier V?
2f - Cobra Soldier V?

3a - Cobra Soldier V?
3b - Cobra Stinger Driver V?
3c - BAT V?
3d - BAT V?
3e - 25th Star Duster
3f - 25th Ace

Grid_31.jpeg [ 595.64 KiB | Viewed 1538 times ]

Grid 31:

1a - Custom Copperhead
1b - 25th …. Viper?
1c - 25th …. Viper?
1d - 25th …. Viper?
1e - Custom Zombie Steel Brigade
1f - GIJCC Toxo Zombie (Con Set?)

2a - Cobra Trooper V?
2b - Custom? Elite Viper
2c - GIJCC …
2d -
2e - GIJCC Toxo Viper (Con Set?)


 Profile Customs Feedback / Brawlingness  
 Post subject: Re: Figure Idento-Fun Grid-style 092322 - Weekend Wrap-Up!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:23 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:29 pm
joemichaels70 wrote:
One big push to get this complete round of figures ID'd ... daunting task made easy by the combined brain might of the JC Geniuses!


Grid List 21:

1a - Red Ninja V4
1b - Slice V4
1c - Custom Deadpool
1d - Storm Shadow V42
1e - Storm Shadow V22
1f - Custom Gray Ninja (just the head—body is unmodified Snake Eyes v38)

2a - Marvel Universe Chaste Ninja
2b - Marvel Universe comic pack Mandarin
2c - Cobra Ninja-Viper v3
2d - Storm Shadow V16
2e - Zartan V21
2f - Vypra V3

3a - Jinx V1
3b - Wolverine Movie Deadpool
3c - Dice V1
3d - Custom Storm Shadow Apprentice
3e - Red Ninja Viper v2
3f - Red Ninja Viper v1


Grid List 22:

1a - Storm Shadow V43
1b - Mortal Kombat Baraka
1c - Marvel Universe Hand Ninja
1d - Marvel Universe Psylocke
1e - Slice v5
1f - Marvel Universe Black Hand Ninja (Target 2-pack with Wolverine)

2a - Black Dragon Ninja v1
2b - Storm Shadow V12
2c - Marvel Universe comic pack Mandarin
2d - Jinx V3 (aka Agent Jinx v2)
2e - Storm Shadow V37
2f - Kamakura v6

3a - Storm Shadow V26
3b - Custom female Snake Eyes
3c - Snake Eyes V29
3d - 2010 Pursuit of Cobra HISS Driver
3e - Copperhead V5
3f - 25th AVAC


Grid List 23:

1a - Neo-Viper
1b - Mars Trooper
1c - Neo-Viper
1d - Neo-Viper
1e - Mars Officer
1f - Nano-Viper
*All above are from 2009

2a - Custom ‘short’ Shipwreck? [Doesn’t look different from regular 1985 Shipwreck.]
2b - Desert Cobra Trooper v9
2c - Desert Cobra Trooper v10
2d - Desert Cobra Trooper v11
2e - Desert Crimson Guard v13
2f - Desert Cobra Officer v8

3a - GIJCC ‘Robot Rebellion’ Cobra Commander
3b - Cobra Commander V25
3c - Movie Ripcord (Attack on the PIT set)
3d - Hatless Gung-Ho V2
3e - Pilot Keychain Figure
3f - Funskool Grunt


Grid 24:

1a - GIJCC Oktober Guard Schrage (2012 Convention Set)
1b - GIJCC Oktober Guard Stormavik (2012 Convention Set)
1c - Movie Heavy Duty
1d - Acceleration Suit Ripcord
1e - Mars Officer
1f - Mars Trooper

2a - Python Patrol Major Bludd (2003 TRU set)
2b - Serpentor V5
2c - GIJCC Munitia
2d - Destro V18
2e - Marvel Universe Deadpool (Taskmaster comic pack)
2f - Indiana Jones Irina (‘Crystal Skull’)

3a - GIJCC MOTH Shipwreck
3b - 25th Pilot Scarlett
3c - 50th Anniversary Shipwreck
3d - GIJCC GI Joe Sea Adventurer
3e - 50th Anniversary Gung-Ho
3f - GIJCC MOTH Chuckles


Grid 25:

1a - Admiral Keel-Haul V2
1b - 1990 Range-Viper upper/1989 Dee-Jay lower
1c - Funskool Metal Head
1d - Spy Troops Lady Jaye
1e - Overkill v5
1f - Custom Electric Eel

2a - Cobra Stinger Driver
2b - Custom Eel
2c - 2005 Comic Pack General Hawk
2d - Night Force Flint
2e - Lamprey
2f - Retaliation Dark Ninja

3a - Range-Viper v5
3b - 1993 Street Fighter Dhalsim
3c - Sputnik Convention Figure
3d - 1990 Sky Patrol Static Line
3e - 2005 Comic Pack Cobra Commander/Fred VIII
3f - 1987 Battle Cobra Commander


Grid 26:

1a - 25th Crankcase
1b - 25th Leatherneck
1c - 25th Outback
1d - Custom Steel Brigade Spirit
1e - Custom Steel Brigade Charbroil
1f - Custom Steel Brigade Tunnel Rat

2a - Star Wars Robot Custom
2b - Star Wars Robot Custom
2c - Custom Figure - Riptide
2d - GIJCC 2005 convention Gung-Ho
2e - Custom Steel Brigade Doc
2f - Custom Steel Brigade Roadblock

3a - Cobra Trooper V6
3b - Cobra Driver V1
3c - Cobra Commander V31
3d - Keychain Pilot (multi-pack)
3e - 30th Diver Black
3f - 30th Diver Orange


Grid 27:

1a - GIJCC Oktober Guard General Iron Bear (2012 Convention Set)
1b - GIJCC Oktober Guard Daina (2012 Convention Set)
1c - GIJCC 2003 Swamp-Viper
1d - Slice V4

2a - Custom Marine
2b - South American Ripcord
2c - Red Laser Viper - Q-Force colors
2d - Custom Shipwreck
2e - Renegades Ripcord
2f - Wild Bill V12

3a - Cobra Stinger Driver V2
3b - Scrap Iron V8
3c - Python Patrol Copperhead GIJCC
3d - 2008 Python Patrol Crimson Guard
3e - 25th Ace (Senior Ranking Officers Air Command pack)
3f - 30th Diver (keychain version?)


Grid 28:

1a - 1994 Mortal Kombat Kano
1b - Corps Construction Guy
1c - Custom Lamprey
1d - Cobra Vehicle Gunner (2008 Ultimate Battle Pack)
1e - 25th Chuckles
1f - GIJCC Heavy Water

2a - 25th Scarlett V9
2b - 25th Snake Eyes V30
2c - Custom Lamprey
2d - Red Laser Cobra Soldier
2e - Custom RED RAVAGE
2f - TF Crossover Ravage

3a - Custom Lone Ranger
3b - Custom Tonto
3c - Custom Lamprey
3d - 25th HISS Commander
3e - 25 Flash V1
3f - RoC Grand Slam V7


Grid 29:

1a - Copperhead custom
1b - 50th Anniversary Ace
1c - 25th Breaker (RAM vs Flight Pod set)
1d - 25th Steeler (Armadillo vs Air Chariot)
1e - Desert Cobra Trooper v10
1f - Retaliation ‘Ultimate’ Flint

2a - 2005 DTC Range-Viper
2b - Custom Electric Eel
2c - Custom Dress Marine
2d - Custom Dress Marine
2e - 2008 Para-Viper
2f - 1985 Lamprey

3a - Spy Troops Iron Grenadier
3b - 2011 Zombie-Viper
3c - Custom Gallows
3d - Custom Grim Skull
3e - Custom Eel
3f - Custom Eel


Grid 30

1a - Movie Hawkeye
1b - Cobra Commander V49A
1c - Cobra Commander V49B
1d - Funskool Crimson Guard Immortal
1e - 2008 comic pack Red Star
1f - GIJCC Oktober Guard Colonel Brekhov (2012 Con set)

2a - 2009 PIT Commando
2b - Movie General Hawk (PIT HQ set
2c - BAT V4 (v15)
2d - Overkill V7
2e - Cobra Officer v6
2f - Cobra Officer v5

3a - Cobra Trooper v15 (50th Anniversary rerelease)
3b - Cobra Vehicle Driver v1
3c - BAT V3 (v14)
3d - BAT V5 (v16)
3e - 25th Starduster (aka Skyduster)
3f - 25th Ace (comic pack)


Grid 31:

1a - Copperhead v8 head atop Swamp-Viper v2
1b - 25th Night Creeper
1c - Retaliation Cyber Ninja
1d - 2009 Resolute 5-pack Cobra Officer/Trooper
1e - Custom Zombie Steel Brigade
1f - GIJCC Toxo Zombie (2014 Con Set)

2a - Cobra Officer v6
2b - 2009 Viper Commando
2c - GIJCC 2014 Repulsor
2d -
2e - GIJCC Toxo Viper (2014 Con Set)

 Profile Customs Feedback / Brawlingness  
 Post subject: Re: Figure Idento-Fun Grid-style 092322 - Weekend Wrap-Up!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:01 pm 
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Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman
Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: !!BEYONDER!!
aaaaannnnd, i'm spent.

I can't thank you enough for all your help on these ... this should keep the sales moving for the next couple of months!

Now, to find alllll those accessories...


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