Ok, so Saturday was my Birthday (yay me) and I got some shopping in.
At Big Lots I picked up two DVDs: 'Gundala' and a Scott Atkins movie, 'Avengement'.
At Walmart I found the complete series of 'The Addams Family' and the complete 'Justice League'.
At GameStop I picked up another Marvel Retro Electro and 2x Fortnite Shark Henchman BAF chests for the right arms/legs. No more actual torso chest pieces.
At Ollie's I picked up a Looney Toons Space Jam 2 Lebron and Bugs as Amazons for Spectre and a DC Comics 'Everything You Should Know' book.
At Target I picked up the deluxe Boba Fett (Morak) and Axe Wives, plus a LG Slim Portable DVD Writer. Had three different promotions and used all of them ($10 off $30, 5% off total purchase, and 25% off one toy). Oh, used my Red Card and a reusable bag to get another 5% off and $.05 off.
I was also taken to the local Spring Buffet for a delicious meal of Chinese foods.
Also my last Amazon package showed up with 2x Jurassic World Maisie sets.
Edit: Ollie's had multiple Batman 3pack boxes of Batman/Penguin/Selina Kyle figures from the last movie. Spectre feels these were an Amazon exclusive, although I never saw them on site. Ollie's had them for $16. Anyone interested could wait until the annual pre-Christmas sale Ollie's has (sigh) a few weeks before Christmas on a Sunday night. 25% off toys...
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