So...for the last....I don't know, 6 or 7 years, I have wanted to do a HUGE playset for my ALIENS universe. Back in early December I finally started on it, building it mostly out of foam core. For the last few years I built up a collection of assorted parts, 3D printed, some resin cast, others from suppliers like Maurader and Empire toys and a giant amount of greeblies.
So in early December I started...and slowly came to the thought that maybe I bit off more than I could chew. This thing is 20inx30in with two levels, one removable from the other, with all sorts of rooms. The sheer amount of detailing really started to hit me from floor grates covering almost every inch, to all the pipe-work and panels needed for the hallway all seems nuts.
But if I just, stop, what the hell do I do with all the parts I've accumulated???
So my question to all of you, is there some way I can salvage this? Maybe some way I can look at this that will make me feel I can do this?
Stopping now seems like such a waste.
Don't die until you put up a fight!
I went to Hell and killed the devil, now I can't tell time.