Hiya's second release is Storm Shadow. Again, the figure is based on the Operation: Blackout game model. I believe this was not used for the 6" Classified figures but instead on the Titan figures.
The biggest difference from the game render is the inclusion of the Yakuza sleeve tattoo on Tommy's left arm, although the promotional art already shows this.
The Hiya figure comes with a removable hood which fits over the head, and a second hood which sits around the neck. The hood that fits over the head has two bumps on the inside which hold onto the sides of the figures head and keep it securely in place. I can't seem to place it flush against the torso; there's always a slight gap. The other hood (down position) on the other hand is loose and just flops around.
Just like Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow also includes four hands: right hand with spread fingers for bow and arrow-pulling, sword-gripping right, sword-gripping left, and neutral open left. At least he can hold both swords at the same time.
The figure also comes with a quiver which contains three removable arrows, and two scabbards which can be clipped together and pegged either directly onto the figure's back, or onto the quiver, which then pegs onto the figure's back. Take note that the peg hole is not centered on Storm Shadow's back... so not entirely interchangeable snap-on, stay-on accessories there.
The two included swords, one long, one short, have different handles, pommels, and guards. Also, they both do not have a sharpened cutting edge. They are just as thick on the back edge as the cutting edge. Strange because Snake Eyes' sword has a cutting edge. Hiya's never had a problem sculpting blades before. Storm Shadow even has very tiny, sharp shuriken on the bandolier. Come to think of it, the Batman-style sword guards on his gauntlets are sculpted lying flat against the arms, not sticking out.
Like Snake Eyes, the entire figure is painted, including the internal joints. The white has very good coverage without being gloppy. No chipping or flaking so far, but I'm still worried about the skin and tattoo.