I've done about ten torso splits now and EVERY one of them broke. I have numerous rubber and plastic mallets, all different types of blocks, and have used different knives.
The problem I find is that the internal pegs break. That may not seem like a big issue as they are going to be reglued, but I find the lost surface area for glue really limits the durability. I'm sure they could work in a back screw somewhere if they wanted to.
I've also found not a lot of arms are compatible, and sometimes dremelling/ sanding must be done. If you are painting joints, you really need that middle ground (Not too loose/ not stiff enough to cause paint wear). So, take into account you have to dry fit stuff to get the balance right.
You can't just pinch the new torsos together - the soft plastic of the arm joint will just compress - you have to glue it and check afterwards.
Not good if you wanna try a few different combinations.
Also, quite a few people here are getting involved who haven't even cracked a torso yet. What's all that about? I think experience is what is needed here, and guesswork from those who haven't tried the method really isn't helping.
I do like the 25th figures a lot more now than I used to, but that "customiser friendly" quote is just insulting to me, and I can't get over people trying to say hitting figures with a hammer/ re-glueing is easier or more practical than just screwing/ unscrewing them. Come on.
I always thought the reason they didn't have backscrews now is cost - but then I thought of the leg screws...so... I got nothin' there...
I realise hasbro isn't gonna change things now, and I can live with it, but it will never be as customiser friendly as the backscrew.
Another thing I don't like about the new method is actually having to use glue. I hate it. No matter how careful you are, it always manages to seep, dry or get somewhere it shouldn't. Plus all glues have a shelf life, and sometimes just dries, breaks and flakes away.
Now another thing. Microman bashing. (yeah, you knew I would bite on this). I really wish some people could get over this. Yeah, there was a batch of MM that had crappy plastics (Some U.S. releases, the Batman begins stuff and a few others). But since then, they've all been good.
The Kinnikuman line is as durable as any other line I've had. I play with my toys to the exteme, and I've never had a KM figure break (In over 50 figures that I have). In around the same number of 25th Joes I've had - about ten have broke (split wrists/ ankles), not to mention back to front parts - (two GH's arms, Baroness w /two left hands). Not such a good comparison there.
I'm not trying to start an argument there, but only reporting the evidence I've found with my figures.