Taliesin Crow wrote:
You know reading some of you guys replys to this thread makes me wonder why you even like G.I. Joe at all. I mean if theres that much to hate why not move on to something like star wars, transformers, or just grow up and forget that you were ever lame enough to play with joes at all?
As for me, I love ninjas, Love the original 13, Billy dosent bother me, Snake eyes is even more of a bad ass commando because he had ninjitsu training, Loved the comic, loved the cartoons, loved the figures (although the neon colors did bug me) but nothing like the dripping venom I'm reading from some of you guys. Love RAH, Liked new sculpt well enough, and Love 25th figures.
I just dont get why if there is so much hate for something why even bother associating yourself with it at all.
Look at it like a relationship. You love it, but there's always something you wish would be different. I have to agree with you that a lot on these lists are what makes up the G.I.Joe unverse: Ninjas, Billy, Ninja-Snake Eyes, Serpentor, etc.. And I love that stuff, but I can also understand those who think it's a bit far out there.
I think all yellow Joes kick ass, the more color the better. Space joes, aliens, etc etc.
But... It would be very weird if I thought everything Joe was the best thing in the world. We have the right to say we are fans, but not fanatics. People are different and I dont think the purpose for this thread is to spread hate, rather to show differences in our reason for enjoying our hobby. Some like the mother, some likes the daughter, and some would do them both.
Also, making a thread about what we
do like about Joes would probably not be that interresting, since we are all joe fans. Or maybe it would be cool? I know there are those who have completely different focal points than me, when it comes to collecting Joes.
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