I just found them for sale at K-mart! Picked up Indy, Marion, Belloq and the Cairo Swordsman.
Cairo Swordsman: Joe-style shoulder joints, ball jointed head, joe-style elbows (kinda hidden by sleeves, which impeded movement a bit), swivel waist, t-crotch, no knees. Relic:
Belloq: Joe-style arms (elbow, shoulder, wrist articulation), no knees, ball jointed head, swivel waist, t-crotch, swivel feet, no knees. Relic:
Marion: Joe-style arms, ball joint head, swivel waist, t-crotch, no knees, swivel feet (great head sculpt, btw). Relic
Indiana Jones (jacketed version): Joe-style arms, ball jointed head, swivel waist, t-crotch, ball jointed knees, swivel feet, hat not removable (...well, not supposed to be. Think Headman's hat), comes with coiled and striking whips. Head-sculpt leaves something to be desired, but I'll probably replace it with a Han Solo head. Relic:
And since I have a feeling some people will ask, they're perfectly scaled with 25th Joes and newer SW figures (Indy and 25th Snake Eyes are the same height), and the neck-balls are slightly larger than the 25th figures, slightly smaller than most newer SW figures.
_________________ This is fine.