lococaca wrote:
For past cash, you could always hit up garage sales and flea markets for junk from the past to sell at pawnshops. VCR's, 80's style Camcorders,Walkmans and Cordless Brick Phones would be best. You would run the high risk of creating paradoxes from items existing twice in the same timeplane though and time it's self might fold together.
Destroy the whole space time continuum for the sake of some Joes.
You could always slip back with some modern technology and jumpstart the development of Cell phones a decade or more earlier than they really hit.
Print out and take back scripts from popular 90's movies and sell them to hollywood studios in the 80's. Point Break starring Rutger Hauer and Mathew Broderick. The Matrix done with stop motion effects and miniatures.
Print out and take back the lyrics of hit songs from the 90's and this decade and sell them to singers in the 80's. Quiet Riot singing Creed songs. Michael Bolton belting out R. Kelly songs or Clay Aiken tunes. How great would that be?
Ahhh the possibilities.