- For unique characters, do you prefer established characters (who have existing figures) or do you prefer new characters?
I prefer a mixture of both. There are enough parts that can be re-used successfully for new characters, yet some can be re-done to improve on previous ones that were lacking (I look at LIVEVIL's og13 stuff as inspiration).
- Do you prefer an existing mold with a new paint scheme or do you prefer a combination of multiple molds to create a figure?
A) When it comes to anything neon, a new paint scheme works wonders and improves the mold. On the other hand, seeing stuff that is well liked in different colors works too.
B) I have seen a lot of customs that have been put together using multiple molds that really stand out. I'm not sure who did it, but someone took a Red Star and swapped out the legs with Taurus. I have a few WIPs using that recipe.
- Do you prefer individuals or do you prefer army builders?
When I was younger I would get a new figure and check out the card back to see all the new characters coming out. That still gets to me and that's the fun part. Seeing unique individuals is always cool because it keeps it fresh and introduces new possibilities. With customizing we can identify specialities that need filled and create a character to fill it. In doing so we are making what is just a toyline into something personal and satisfying.
I army build because there are specific parts/figures I want more of. Whether it be og13, Dreadnoks, or Oktober Guard-there are certain figures I try to acquire. It might be something as simple as putting a new head on a Red Star body or swapping/interchanging parts on legs (Monkeywrench, Buzzer, Ripper, and Torch) so I can get different styles of jeans without asking myself why does everyone dress the same...
My real preference in exclusives is kinda ironic.
Being hard to get or only is available in limited amounts makes something exclusive, but wanting something to be more readily available so I can have more specific parts kinda nullifies the exclusitivity aspect.
Also, having cut back considerably on my Star Wars purchases, I kinda feel as a completist that the stress levels go up when you can't actually complete something because it gets sold out or isn't available anymore. One of the guys I met while doing the Star Wars movie toy releases used to get two of everything. With so much stuff coming out it's difficult to keep track and maintain.
Hero Machine Real Characters:
https://tinyurl.com/yyguul9eHero Machine Original Characters:
https://tinyurl.com/y59j5gmdHero Machine Other properties: