AutobotC5 wrote:
They did have them, in one of the Marvel issues in the 40-50 range (45 maybe?) where they were doing some heavy construction on Cobra Island. In one panel you see them...and they look remarkably like Barbecue in silver. No code-name was assigned to them.
If I remember correctly, I believe this was during Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes' assault on Cobra Island to find Zartan.
Dr. Mindbender, the Baroness, and maybe Destro were arriving in a big Cobra Transport Helo which crashed on the runway.
Dr. Mindbender was concerned about his projects on board and directed the Cobra CFR (Crash, Fire, Rescue) troops to put out the flames.
I think this was at the point when the two were trying to get a plane to leave the island and the crash of the help destroyed a number of planes, forcing them to steal the Moray.
BTW-I think I mentioned these Cobra troops in that big list of uncustomized chararacters I did at the end of last year.
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