Most of you know I have a bit of an affinity for Army Warrant Officers
. Flint is my fave, but Wild Bill has always been a close second for me. I always liked the way he was portrayed in the comics, & he reminds me of a couple of Army pilots that I've known over the years.
When I was casting my own Joe Movie in my head years ago, my first cast members were Bruce Campbell as Flint and either Tommy Lee Jones or Sam Elliot as Wild Bill.
So lookie what I did today after finding wave 7 at my local Target:
I took a Golden Compass Sam Elliot head and grafted his face onto a BBI head - I decided against giving him red hair, since this is Sam f#$%ing Elliot
. So I de-aged him a bit -- making him in his late 40s or so. Now he's less of a cartoon and more of a crusty old badass rotor-jockey.
I swapped out the lower arms with Duke's, and despite Duke's hands sucking, they were sufficiently long enough to overcome the "Ace's torso sucks" syndrome. Then I just chopped a bit off the bottom of his legs to bring him down to a normal height -- he's still fairly tall (same size as 25A Duke/Flint), but not a giant.
He's only got one holster for now - partly because I'm too lazy to fix up another one, but also because Sam doesn't seem the 2-gun type -- he can take care o' business with one.
Also - I fixed up Spirit using the head I made for my original 25A Spirit (Salvo head with Dart ponytail.) Added the giant-ass Chap Mei Rambo III knife & DTC Spirit's sheath. went with an LBV rather than the crappy webgear that came with Spirit because it made more sense.
Big thanks to Grippen for giving me the idea to use the Viper torso -- I was just going to head-swap 'factory' Spirit with mine, but now he can be a good mix of traditional & practical.