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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 3:47 pm 
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Sidewinder wrote:
Scramble wrote:
I've heard the club locks threads like this almost as soon as they arrise. Sledge, let us know if MC responds, would you?

The thread that SledgeHammer posted in has already been locked once. It was later unlocked.

It was originally locked after one of my posts when I was responding to someone else because they were getting complaints from Club members about my posts (the reason they contacted me directly). After a discussion with Brian and Lanny, the Club unlocked it so I could post in there.

Brian later posted with an explanation that was pretty much verbatim of what they told me over the phone.

ZombieGuide wrote:
Sledge Hammer wrote:
Some of us were talking in chat, and we think that if we got Justin to design the page, enough of us could get together and run the Club in a decent fashion.

Shame we don't have the cash for the license.

I think finding enough people to do that full time would be a difficult task in itself. While it's a nice fantasy, I don't see that realistically happening anytime soon, unfortunately.

That and the Club has been in existence for 15 years already. They're pretty well established regardless of who or how many people disagree with their business practices.

kingofpain26 wrote:
We've asked this almost every year, and it seems that it gets rebuked or put to the side constantly. it woud seem to be a good idea if collectors,... especially attendees, knew exactly what was going to be offered at the con. (you notice most companies do this for Sand Diego Comic Con) I mean, we've been asking if the comic con CObra Commander will be offered at Joecon, and so far ,...nothing. Hell,.. we couldnt even get a clear answer on the seminars and workshops at the con,.. and the actual con is 4 weeks away!

Brian has pointedly said that every year they ask at the Con if the Con-goers want to know about the souvenirs ahead of time. Apparently the majority has been "yay" to keeping them a surprise. At the roundtable and surveys, let's make sure that it's "nay" and see what happens in 2009.

lococaca wrote:
2) Couldnt they just say the total price for 1 of each exclusive? that way they'd have their much wanted "secrecy" and you would get a base price.

If this information is released what will happen is people will try to figure out what the souvenirs are based on the total cost. I think the Club will fear that this will just lead to [LASER BLAST] and moaning when their guesses don't pan out.

Scramble wrote:
That was a very polite and thorough response from Savage. I'm not going to pretend I don't think there's a relationship between the responce and the positive support Sledge Hammer got publicly speculating how hard it would be to take the club's status away. At least we got some answers from him.

Bah, it's not going away any time soon.

beav wrote:
Other question, was there any offer for payback for this help? When you have a club that's membership has been, until recently, all paying to be members to ask for free help is a little insulting and cheap. If there wasn't an offer of a least some free figures or an extra year on the house then there's little wonder there were no takers to spend their time on that.

I know for a fact there can be depending on level of service and how effective you are at your volunteering. Half-assing it for them gets you nothing.

I would have answered Mike T.'s and Zedhatch's posts, but damn, guys, you have just too much for me to try to break it down in a quick post.

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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:03 pm 
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That and the Club has been in existence for 15 years already. They're pretty well established regardless of who or how many people disagree with their business practices.

I have to say though this is the most adamantly vocial I have seen the community towards the club, something has to change one way or another.

Brian has pointedly said that every year they ask at the Con if the Con-goers want to know about the souvenirs ahead of time. Apparently the majority has been "yay" to keeping them a surprise. At the roundtable and surveys, let's make sure that it's "nay" and see what happens in 2009.

He said that but as has been pointed out that is pure BS. plus really that explaination doesn't follow with the question as illistratated much more elequently here:

[quote=Mike T]This is just horse crap. We know there will be figures and vehicles. Hell, the three Joes are on the box art this year! Give us prices. If you tell me that there will a figure 2 pack at the con for $50, I can't see 2 figs for $50 and automatically know that it's going to be a Star Duster and Grand Slam. But, I do know that it's a product I want and I can give people money to buy it.

If this information is released what will happen is people will try to figure out what the souvenirs are based on the total cost. I think the Club will fear that this will just lead to [LASER BLAST] and moaning when their guesses don't pan out.

See above

Scramble wrote:
That was a very polite and thorough response from Savage. I'm not going to pretend I don't think there's a relationship between the responce and the positive support Sledge Hammer got publicly speculating how hard it would be to take the club's status away. At least we got some answers from him.

Bah, it's not going away any time soon.

If enough voices speak change will occur one way or another.

See this isn't a B*^ch session, its a "We have had enough of this carp and something needs to be done about it" B*^ch session.

beav wrote:
Other question, was there any offer for payback for this help? When you have a club that's membership has been, until recently, all paying to be members to ask for free help is a little insulting and cheap. If there wasn't an offer of a least some free figures or an extra year on the house then there's little wonder there were no takers to spend their time on that.

I know for a fact there can be.

But IS/WAS it there, "There can be" is rather vauge. without a garentee that you get something from a "Business" for your "Labors" no one will participate. After all they are a business right, and after all when a business needs something they go to another business, Wal-Mart would never ask its customers to help with thier web page right, how about Target, doubt it. Smalljoes or BBTS, same, never.

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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:15 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Sledge Hammer wrote:
OK, Brain had this reply:


Let me answer some of your concerns. I have held off posting these things as I am not going to debate anyone online. However I think we are getting painted with a broad brush as if we are the bad guys. We are collectors too!

No one needs a debate... it's not about debating, it's about having an open venue to hear from and pass info to the club regarding club matters. The fact that it's viewed as a debate by the club representative is disconcerting...

3. Your idea about the MOTH sets...I don't remember that one. Good idea but the issue is, that the concept is being presented after the fact. We can't go back to the factories and have them reproduce something. It just can't happen. We are lucky that they produce what we get. Our runs are small and a pain for the factories because we add so much more detail than in the main line figures.

Plus what happens is that people buy the extra sets at a reduced cost, part them out on ebay and then we can't sell through the run we made. This makes us back off and not produce more items. Unfortunately it is a fine line. This is why you have not seen the MOTH vehicle, sales have not told us that this is wanted, however, it is not dead.

Nice to pass the blame for the MOTH sets on to collectors all the while ignoring the fact that most people didn't buy more because they didn't want to pay jacked up prices for packaging they didn't ask for, and in most cases didn't want, to begin with. The issue is, again, in regards to issues like this people have been FORCED to pay for "pretty boxes" with no other alternative to get the item in most cases. This has been mentioned for years long before the MOTH sets came out, it's not something new.

5. We answered the budget issue several times. Look at last year, add a little to it and you will always be in the ball park. If we told you the exact configuration of each extra item it would be too easy to guess them.

What vague sillyness. "Add a little to it"? What on earth does that mean? That could be $5.00 or $50.00 per item. I want to know what things will cost. That's all. Some people want to be surprised... fine, give a ball park $10.00 swing price range and leave it at that. At least that way people can take the max figures, budget accordingly, and if you save them money they'll have more to spend at the dealers. Seems win-win to me.

If you remember back, I have asked this question at the club roundtable if people like not knowing and having hints to speculate on...the response was overwhelming: keep us guessing. We don't want to spoil the fun.

And again it's being ignored that MORE people would go if they knew in advance what was being offered. Taking a small sampling from the 25-50 people that actually attend the club's roundtable is ridiculous to use as a basis for the greater majority of collectors that have vividly and emphatically stated they want to know what the club is offering so they can decided if it's worth the time and expense to go to the conventions. As the economy continues to slide and prices on actual necessities continue to sky rocket these bizarre guessing games the club seems so enamored with doing every year is going to cause more and more people to skip the con. If it wasn't relatively local there's no chance I'd go this year.

6. We stopped putting the newsletters online because people were taking the content and posting it on other sites. This is called theft of intellectual property and is not fair to the members that pay for this content.

The newsletter is pointless. A print only version of it is only more so. There's no reason to not embrace modern technology. There's nothing *new* in the newsletter no matter what the venue is for it's delivery. News is instantaneous and comes much faster than any version of the newsletter has been able to deliver. Time to drop it and adapt. Worry more about actual new and info and less about the "theft" of intellectual property.

I had been working on a replacement technology but never got it finished. I asked the membership if there was a flash expert out there that could help 0 responses. This is your club...There are basically 3 people that touch everything you see online, in print, made in a factory. We barely have enough time to produce what we get out... our productivity is extremely high...but for the bells and whistles we need help and we need specifics.. not "gee I don't like the menu system." Don't like it? Send us a sample of what you would like. Member input is the key. There are almost 3,000 of you and 3 of us.

Which begs the question... why would people volunteer to help when key issues that people have continue to be ignored and swept under the rug? There's lots of folks that could and would help, but they're ignored. I know I volunteered to help several times back in 02-03 and never got even an acknowledgment that my offer had been seen much less responded to. I know plenty of other people that have offered to help and have been ignored or rebuffed. Don't act like no one wants to help and no one has offered.

7. We do have plans to update the message board but because of the integration that is in place, we will have to fix this one. However, I have seen absolutely 0 suggestions as to what you would like added. We need specifics not "this is outdated". Be part of the solution.

We're not paid to fix your problems, Brian. The message board doesn't work. It'd take minimal effort to implement a new board and design a functional website. How hard is it to get some WYSIWYG software on the cheap and make something that works? Not very hard. Stop passing the buck and stop making lame excuses. You need someone to do it for you? Pay a web designer. People don't like to work for other people for free, everyone has bills to pay.

8. Our primary way we communicate with the membership is through the Magazine each month.

Which is a joke! The magazine is useless and pointless in this day and age. It's not about reading every thread but when 20-40+ people bring up the same issue time and again, how hard is it to make a post addressing the issue and moving on with whatever need be done.

9. We walk a fine line trying to serve both 12" and 3 3/4" collectors. Each side gripes that we don't give them enough attention. We can only work with the articles and input from the members.

Stop trying to pass the club off as a charity organization. It's a business. You want people to contribute more content, offer some incentives.

We try to balance everything we can and my suggestion to all members is take the blinders off! It is not important that everyone's opinion is heard on every topic as they are just that, opinions. Not facts.

Wow, what snarky and condescending comments. So then what can we comment on since you only want opinions on certain things and from certain people. Unbelievable.

Again, this is your club. We can't be everything to everybody but the more you put into it, the more fun it is for everyone. We do want your input, we do want your help. The more you build this club, the more we can do, for all collectors.

There's nothing free that's given in return to members. (don't even bring up that "free" figure, you have to pay $40 some dollars a year to get one.) You have to pay for everything you 'get' from the club. You want input and help? Ok, let me know where to send you an invoice. Then you can charge me for being a member, and I can charge you for the input and help you seem to so desperately need. Ok? Deal?

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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:02 pm 
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Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman
Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman

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so many good points made here. i've only got this to add:

George Herbert, "Living well is the best revenge."

if the club wanted to see how to do it right, go to Canada.

people, well, at least the JCers, love that "LASER BLAST" convention.

I love that convention, and I've never even been!

i'm just happy to get the newsletter with the familiar names in it!

//how much do you guys get paid for your contributions?

the gijcc is going to do things the way they want, until they aren't allowed to do it anymore.

the Canucks are going to do things the way everybody wants, and they'll probably get the green light for club exclusives from :hasbro: soon enough...


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:56 pm 
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Plays a cop
Plays a cop

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Ya know, I can see valid arguments on both sides on the argument. I think a great way to monitor the members opinions would be at the Awards Dinner, when there are several 100 people in person, with full attention on Joe.

Simpy type up 10 questions, and read it over the microphone and take a hands up count.

1) Who wants to know what products will be avaible BEFORE the con?
(show of hands yay, show of hands nay)

2) Who wants to continue the paper newsletter?
(show of hands yay, show of hands nay)

Etc, etc.

Excellent and cheap way to get into the minds of the fanbase, live and in person.

Aspiring Hollywood starlet!

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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:57 pm 
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HATES Mattel

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What I'm trying to understand is how somebody selling the extra baggy set on ebay hurts their bottom line. Was the extra baggy set stolen from them, or was it bought from them at the price they put on it? Once they've got the money they say a baggy set is priced at, how in the world are they affected in any way, shape, or form by it being resold on ebay?

The other thing I don't understand is what Hasbro's getting from having MC run a Joe Collector Club. It's not like Hasbro's putting stickers on the figs for the kiddies to ask mom and dad if they can visit the site. I can't imagine that MC would have enough bribery money available to pay to Hasbro (at least, not enough that Hasbro would care about) so they can get the 'Official' label. What's Hasbro getting out of the relationship?

Also, I think they interpret the word 'Club' in the same way snooty, exclusionist Country Clubs interpret it; as a place to keep the riff-raff *out of*, not in.


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:21 pm 
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Hi, beav. Playing cards?
Hi, beav. Playing cards?

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AdrienVeidt wrote:
It's not like Hasbro's putting stickers on the figs for the kiddies to ask mom and dad if they can visit the site. I can't imagine that MC would have enough bribery money available to pay to Hasbro (at least, not enough that Hasbro would care about) so they can get the 'Official' label. What's Hasbro getting out of the relationship?

Au contraire... look to the left of the UPC code on the figure cardbacks.


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:39 pm 
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HATES Mattel

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beav wrote:
AdrienVeidt wrote:
It's not like Hasbro's putting stickers on the figs for the kiddies to ask mom and dad if they can visit the site. I can't imagine that MC would have enough bribery money available to pay to Hasbro (at least, not enough that Hasbro would care about) so they can get the 'Official' label. What's Hasbro getting out of the relationship?

Au contraire... look to the left of the UPC code on the figure cardbacks.

Okay, I would if I held onto trash, but I do recall seeing it. But the fact that you have to tell me that should speak volumes about what such a sticker is worth. Why not a flier inside the package, or an actual sticker on the front?

And still, what's Hasbro getting from it? Are they getting a share of our membership fees in some manner?


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:41 pm 
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Are they getting a share of our membership fees in some manner?

Hasbro gets a nice fee from MC in exchange for the official license.

Supposedly, MC does marketing legwork for Hasbro and that saves Hasbro money. The reality is the polar opposite with MC doing everything in their power to divide the fandom and make the info hard to find. But, the theory is that Hasbro should get some marketing benefit from MC.


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:43 pm 
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AdrienVeidt wrote:
And still, what's Hasbro getting from it? Are they getting a share of our membership fees in some manner?
I'd assume a licensing fee for the use of the RAH molds and copyrights to use names, pictures, and stuff for packaging and the newsletter itself. Plus the added bonus of attracting fans to the product. The newsletter is free advertisment for them. Well I think it is. It should be.

Edit: Dang I got Mike T-ed


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:49 pm 
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HATES Mattel

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So, if we're wanting the Club to change, is Hasbro really where we should be applying the pressure? I'm sure we can agree Hasbro listens to us a *bit* better than the Club does, right?

If Hasbro wants input from we fans so much, why don't they just put some frickin' customer response fliers in with the figs for us to mail back in with our Doc proofs and order form? At least then they'll get some input from the kiddies, which I don't see happening at all thru the Club.


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:22 pm 
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Hi, beav. Playing cards?
Hi, beav. Playing cards?

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AdrienVeidt wrote:
beav wrote:
AdrienVeidt wrote:
It's not like Hasbro's putting stickers on the figs for the kiddies to ask mom and dad if they can visit the site. I can't imagine that MC would have enough bribery money available to pay to Hasbro (at least, not enough that Hasbro would care about) so they can get the 'Official' label. What's Hasbro getting out of the relationship?

Au contraire... look to the left of the UPC code on the figure cardbacks.

Okay, I would if I held onto trash, but I do recall seeing it. But the fact that you have to tell me that should speak volumes about what such a sticker is worth. Why not a flier inside the package, or an actual sticker on the front?

And still, what's Hasbro getting from it? Are they getting a share of our membership fees in some manner?

I certainly recall when I was a kid spending many hours looking at the backs of the cards and the pictures of the characters. Your own specific, refer to cardbacks as "trash", adult-collector outlook proves very little about the efficacy of the plug for the club.


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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:57 pm 
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King of the Nerds!

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Chief wrote:
Mike T. wrote:
So, once again, it's all OUR fault that the Club sucks. How does he get away with this crap?!?

Like I said in one of the other threads -- because people will still buy their _____ no matter what. Until they see a dramatic decrease in membership or Con attendance, they could give a rat's ass about the fans, because the damn fans will keep shelling out $$$ regardless. But who cares if members/fans are [LASER BLAST] if they're still paying you while they do so? Will revamping your whole business model bring you that much more product? I don't think so. There are even Joe Fans out there that still buy all the Hasbro-produced toys despite not liking them. The Club knows that it has people that will put up with anything to get their little pieces of plastic (especially now that they're the only ones producing ARAH-style figs.)

So it will continue until people stop buying - which will never happen with this crowd.

Chief pretty much summed up what I was going to say, except with 75% more swearing :-P .

Bottom line: the only voice they hear are from dead presidents. If (BIG if) the 3 3/4 community stops buying the exclusives, the club will do one of two things; become more fan, er, collector friendly, or give up the liscense because it's no longer econmically feasible for them to continue. With the 12" community on life support their continued success with the GI Joe franchise rests with the collectors of tiny people.

nihil durat in aeternum

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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:56 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:52 pm
Mike T. wrote:
Are they getting a share of our membership fees in some manner?

Hasbro gets a nice fee from MC in exchange for the official license.

Supposedly, MC does marketing legwork for Hasbro and that saves Hasbro money. The reality is the polar opposite with MC doing everything in their power to divide the fandom and make the info hard to find. But, the theory is that Hasbro should get some marketing benefit from MC.

They at least get use out of their old molds (when located). But something about it that bugs me even going back to the JvsC launch, when they did have a fan/collector club (came with the frostbite/wetsuit repaint) it wasn't a MC thing, was it? Even then, that one little thing has felt more like a fan/collector club than MC. What's the Star Wars fan club like (and i know it's way more than action figures...but still)?

Anyway, I'd suggest people vote with their wallets on it more than anything else. If MC really is running on such thin margins that it can only have 3 people, getting stuck with most of even one year's con sets would hurt.

Getting rid of some stuff to make space, will be adding more over the next few months. Ok haven't added anything in like a decade or two.

eBay Auctions for GI Joe, Star Wars, Transformers, WWE, DC & Marvel figures

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 Post subject: Re: My post in the GIJCC forums
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:13 pm 
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Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman
Ripe with kibble / Bojack Strobman

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PaidLoad wrote:

Anyway, I'd suggest people vote with their wallets on it more than anything else. If MC really is running on such thin margins that it can only have 3 people, getting stuck with most of even one year's con sets would hurt.

are you suggesting....a boycott?

across the boards... with stated reasons... of common concerns and complaints?

why, that's just downright... American...

"ARAH Boycott of 2008"

do we have the stones to pull it off?

//asking as i'm checking my account balance vs. the Mass Device/Weather Dominator pre-order status...


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