The purpose of this project is to create more of those excellent small playsets we got back in the days like the FLAK, JUMP, Bivouac, Watch Tower, Machine Gun Defense Unit, Missile Defense Unit, Mortar Defense Unit, Ammo Dump Unit, Forward Observer Unit, Rifle Range Unit, Air Defense, Check Point Alpha, Surveillance Port, LAW, Outpost Defender and Cobra Battle Barge; updated versions or completely new things.
GI Joe
- Ambush at Armadillo Pass by OreoBuilder
Battle Corps Stalker by OreoBuilder
- Dino Hunters Lookout Post by OreoBuilder
Dino Hunter Low-Light by OreoBuilder
- Field Hospital by OreoBuilder
Battle Corps Lifeline by OreoBuilder
- FLAK mk II by Dusty79
- Mega Marines Laser Defense by OreoBuilder
Mirage by OreoBuilder
- BAT Factory by pluv
Dum-E by pluv
- Cobra Ballistic Missile Silo by OreoBuilder
SCUD-Viper by OreoBuilder
- Cobra Island Security Checkpoint by OreoBuilder
Night Watch Trooper by OreoBuilder
- Viper Lockdown by OreoBuilder
Viper Guards by OreoBuilder
GI Jane by OreoBuilder
- Forest Bunker by Tim 121RVC