What happens when the good guys go bad? When the bad guys clean up their act? Look on to see...
G.I. Joe Traitors
- Admiral Delgado by beav
- Airtight by Dakullprt
- Alpine by Bountyhunter Mike
- Arsonal by Scrap Iron
- Blaster by CDR
- Claymore by TR1ER
- Duke by pluv
- Flash by Void
- Flint by Airtight
- Ghostrider by Evil Porkchop
- Low Light by General Hawk
- Muskrat by gi johnson
- Outback by Loop
- Psyche Out by Raptor
- Quick Kick by Lococaca
- Ripcord by sgartz
- Roadblock by Lt_l1zrdking
- Sci Fi by DOOM
- Short Fuze by chadghost
- Spirit by gijoejunkie
- Steamroller by Sidewinder
- T'Gin-zu by matt
- Tripwire by Scrapiron-Scavanger
- Tunnel Rat by zartan
- Virus by The Geek
Cobra Traitors
- Big Boa by gi johnson
- Copperhead by sgartz
- Dirty Red by TR1ER
- Dredd by Void
- Fastball by Evil Porkchop
- Flashpoint by
- Golobulus by Raptor
- James Destro by themanw/oaname
- Lt. X by pluv
- Major Bludd by gijoejunkie
- Metal Head by matt
- Mindbender by beav
- Ragface by HypnoHustler
- Sam by Scrapiron-Scavanger
- Scrap Iron by Scrap Iron
- Slice by CDR
- Tomax by Lococaca
Dreadnok Traitors