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Feedback / Brawlingness
This is a record of trading feedback given to roguetiger. Based on the feedback given, this user has a Brawlingness rating of 16. Brawlingness is calculated by adding one point for every positive feedback and subtracting one for every negative. Neutral feedback does not affect this rating.
General Information
Name: roguetiger
Brawlingness: 16
No feedback of this type recorded.
2DARK2C (2014-03-27 20:00:16)
i just learned how to leave feedback, a few months ago RT hooked me up with a priceless zipdrive! thanks again!Tim 121RVC (2013-11-12 16:30:20)
Had a great comic deal with RT. Thanks a lot!MobileBattleBunker (2012-12-19 06:23:34)
Accepted MO's, which I know is an incoveinence to some, good communication!fat_kids_joes (2011-11-16 23:49:16)
Have had a couple of deals with RT and all of them have been great experiences. Thanks again for the trade!Wolfman (2011-09-03 15:15:31)
Sent me three Steel Brigades at cost! Quick, communicative, and very trustworthy; Awesome JC-member! Thanks again RT!psychoviper (2011-07-26 21:11:36)
Very helpful. Was nice enough to send me an impossible to find figure at cost.pluv (2011-07-05 09:54:35)
Hooked me up with some Tech 9's from the Capt America Crossbones figure after I mentioned wanting Marauder to make the gun. Showed up quick too. Awesome guy.Plastic Yank (2011-05-10 23:59:14)
Wonderful fellow to deal with!Gaigaan-Dnok (2011-04-13 17:52:48)
I just mentioned that I was a Broncos fan, and he sent me some kick ass Broncos stuff! Not looking for anything, just being friendly. Great guy!Cap (2010-09-09 00:44:23)
Got an incredible trade with roguetiger, enabling me to get some pretty hard to find items. Great guy to deal with!Neutral
No feedback of this type recorded.