Tim Elf wrote:
Madman wrote:
Mike is correct. With the exception of the 2002 set, you can practically find most of the figures from past con sets for around $10 and sometimes cheaper if you look at the right time.
Then I've never looked at the "right time" over the last several YEARS.
I've NEVER seen a single con figure for $10 or less, let alone the very few that I actually want.
I just did a search on ebay. Any of the Dreadnok set figures? Not a one. For ANY price. Iron Grenadier set? A few are there for $15 each, but not the one I want.
Ebay user sicdunbine constantly has several of the Dreadnok figures up. Here's some now:
http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZsicdun ... ooZ2QQrdZ0 I've occasionally seen (sometimes bought) Swamp Vipers/Black Dragon troops for around $10, and rarely see the IG troop figs for $10, usually around $15.
Right around con time is not the time to buy, you usually have to wait for eBay to get good and flooded with them. Sometimes in the week after, sometimes several weeks after. Generally, the $10 price point is only going to apply to troop-type figures (because there are so many more listed) or less desireable individuals (Dreadheads), and even several of the figures from last year's set went consistently for under $10 after a couple weeks, like Zap.
Stupidity should be painful.
She's gone from suck to blow!