JBYRDD wrote:
I've also noticed that not only the Corps stuff, but other toy companies have this written on their packages..."compatible with other 3.75/3.50 action figures"
so what does that tell you, they are wanting us, the consumer, to customize with the other toy lines and use their product for that use. Brilliant ???
It's kind of funny you should mention that. As a kid I never really had a lot of any one action figure line until G.I.Joe came out. So my handfull of Micronauts, Adventure People, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Zorro, Clash of the Titans and a couple of Star Wars figures used to all hang out and play together in one "world". Even when the Joes first came out they joined the group but then came along swivel arm battle grip. And with that the Joes took over my collecting because they had the superior articulation (even the A-Team couldn't compete).
I'm glad a good amount of toy lines are going back to the 3 3/4" size so that kids can have their various toys interact with each other and be in the same "world" like I used to have (The Prince Caspian, Indiana Jones and Luke Skywalker Adventure Team) and it brings in a lot more parts and items for customizing. I just really wish the level of articulation was the same on all the various lines (for the good that is...I don't want figures devolving back to barely articulated statues).
Sorry to digress there...
As far as the CORPS changing...I doubt it. I hope they in some way add decent hip articulation back in but I'm not holding my breath on it happening anytime soon.