To repeat what some have already said, the major problem with the line was that they didn't really hit their stride until right towards the end, the inconsistency of quality and scale, the atrocious sculpting on some of the figs, and that for every cool fig, the were about 5 stinkers.
HOWEVER, even though most of that stuff was sub-par crap, when they were good, they were as good as, if not better than the original RAH stuff. Not to mention they gave us the first swivel wrists, working holsters, removable vests and webgear. The weapon sculpts were also some of the best and most realistic ever. And let us not forget some of the more decent comic pack offerings, such as Scarlett that had a feminine face instead of the butch transsexual that was the original figure. We also finally got very decent versions of the October Guard!!! And the Night Ops Hummer was just too sweet.
Just a few examples of amazingly well done figures include:
Snake Eyes 14 (one hell of an update)
Snake Eyes 23 (could have been the most kick-ass figure of the entire line '82 to present if not for those %$#@*& hands that wouldn't hold his weapons)
Chief Torpedo (one of the best custom bases and generic troops ever)
Crosshair (realism at its finest, specific gear at its best)
Blackout (beautifully done)
Coils (just beautiful and another perfect generic troop or custom base)
Cobra Commander 15 (regal)
Sand Viper (one of the meanest looking Cobras ever)
Destro 10 (the most perfect Destro ever)
Mindbender 5 (finally, he LOOKS like a mad scientist!)
Slip Stream 3 (again, detailed realism so good it makes you cry)
Bombstrike (may be the best female figure of the entire line, except perhaps the original Baroness)
Gung-Ho 16 (
the best Gung-Ho ever)
Duke 19 (looks like he just stepped out of Desert Storm)
Torch (another PERFECT update)
Snow Wolf 2 (ditto)
Medi-Viper (finally!!)
Rollbar 2 (though impaired in posability, one of the sweetest looking night-ops/commando figures)
Major Barrage (a fine, fine sculpt if ever there was one)
Barrel Roll 3 (realism, great custom base, perfect generic trooper, amazing gear)
BTR Firefly (if not for those stupid pegs, this could have been one of the best figures of the line. Such amazing detail!)
I'm sure I missed a few. How I wish the line had continued...
O-ring is better. There. I said it.