The club's posted a statement tonight on this.
Tuesday 21 February 2012 | 10:26 PM
We do take information on all customers having an issue with their card so if you did have unauthorized charges on the card, please reply with the following information:
1. Please send the EXACT name of merchant as it is written on your statement for the fraudulent charges.
2. Amount and date of suspect charge.
3. Bank your card is drawn on and if it is a debit or credit card.
4. Device and browser (and version) you used for your last payment with us before you saw a fraudulent charge (ie, android phone, computer, iphone, browser and version).
5. Were you on a public computer? If private, is any wi-fi on the network password protected?
6. Were you on a public wi-fi network?
7. If you were at home or work, what internet provider did you use?
8. On your last transaction with us, did you receive any kind of error message (card declined, 404 error, programming type error). If you did receive an error, how many times did you resubmit your information?
9. Charges listed(name and date) on your credit card in last 6 months.
10. When have you used your card with us, date, item(s), amount in the last 6 months.
It is very difficult to track credit card fraud. With your help, we can see if there are any parallels between those reporting an issue.
In order to better protect yourself, here are some guidelines (most of you already know these but it always helps to be reminded):
Never log into a secure site from a public computer, public wi-fi, or through android/windows phones. Only use your mobile device on a mobile app for transactions, never a browser. Turn off your bluetooth and wi-fi to prevent people from hacking your credit card information from your phone/computer.
If you have a card that has an rfid chip, make sure your card is shielded when not in use.
Always make sure you are using a secure socket (https://) for any login that requires a password or a monetary transaction.
Never email your credit card information to anyone.
As should be common practice, on a regular basis, be sure to check your statements and make note of any suspicious activity on your card. If you see an unauthorized charge turn it in to your bank or card company, the charge will be reversed, they will issue a new card for you and the security system in place will have done its job.
Please also take the time to read the attached articles on CC security. We are very aware that security concerns have risen exponentially in the last couple years and we are doing our part to stay ahead of the curve. We value our members greatly and we don't want anyone to have any problems. Together we can combat these modern day issues that affect all of us.
Forbes article on security.
Consumer Reports article on security.
New York Times article on Mobile Apps phone security.
This was basically the same statement they gave the Transformer club members days ago. The club is sure getting to the bottom of this.
Considering they are way too many people who have had their credit card information stolen after playing for a Fun Publication service and club continues to blame the customer for this, the club will not receive my business any more. I can't trust them anymore. Putting your head in the sand and hoping for this blow over does not cut it.
This problem is clearly from their end. But they won't admit this, much like a person who causes a car accident.