So, once again, it's all OUR fault that the Club sucks. How does he get away with this crap?!?
More to point:
Let me answer some of your concerns. I have held off posting these things as I am not going to debate anyone online. However I think we are getting painted with a broad brush as if we are the bad guys. We are collectors too!
To be fair, they are 12' collectors. Not 3 3/ not until it was financially beneficial for them to be. And, I'm guessing he won't debate anyone online since he can throw naysayers out of his convention but not delete posts on message boards he doesn't control.
1. We listen to everyone's ideas, why wouldn't we? We never "blow" off anyone. There are things we can't do because we are not allowed, but we can't turn around and tell you that for each item. It makes us look like cry babies. There are other things that sound like a good ideas but once you get under the hood, they are not practical.
So, it's all Hasbro's fault, but we're not going to tell you that except now, when you bring the issue up. And, if they listened to ideas, things would have significantly changed since 2002. As they haven't, well, that speaks for itself.
2. We can't do everything that everyone wants. We make our best efforts. If you think we don't put our hearts, minds, sweat and tears into this.. think again. Look at the products we make. We do 100 per cent of this work. No one helps us, every bit of this is us. If we didn't care, why would we try so hard?
Ummm, you're the club. You paid to do this all yourselves. If I had the license, I'd try hard to make awesome figures, too. But, I'd listen to people a little more and not just make something because one of my friends wanted it...everyone else be damned.
3. Your idea about the MOTH sets...I don't remember that one. Good idea but the issue is, that the concept is being presented after the fact. We can't go back to the factories and have them reproduce something. It just can't happen. We are lucky that they produce what we get. Our runs are small and a pain for the factories because we add so much more detail than in the main line figures.
I'd agree then can't just return to the well anytime they want on product. But, a better understanding of what collectors really want would help them better gauge demand and offer products that were more appealing. Sell outs aren't a bad thing...provided that the items aren't too limited.
Plus what happens is that people buy the extra sets at a reduced cost, part them out on ebay and then we can't sell through the run we made. This makes us back off and not produce more items. Unfortunately it is a fine line. This is why you have not seen the MOTH vehicle, sales have not told us that this is wanted, however, it is not dead.
This all comes back to knowing your audience. A few people close to the club wanted boxes so they were given to all of fandom. So, by failing to understand their customers, they offered something we weren't interested in...except in limited numbers. Had they known the 3 3/4 collector base and the market for those products, they would have offered exclusives that were more in line with our purchasing tendencies.
(Why buy new army builders for $14 each when you can, in most cases, buy the vintage version for that price or maybe even less? Failure to know the marketplace in which they operate.)
4. The Army builder idea I threw out at a club roundtable. We have tried to do this but it keeps getting shot down by the powers that be...if you know what I mean.
Hasbro's fault. Not ours for putting together a real business plan that shows how the market could absorb numbers at a certain price point. All Hasbro's fault.
5. We answered the budget issue several times. Look at last year, add a little to it and you will always be in the ball park. If we told you the exact configuration of each extra item it would be too easy to guess them. If you remember back, I have asked this question at the club roundtable if people like not knowing and having hints to speculate on...the response was overwhelming: keep us guessing. We don't want to spoil the fun.
This is just horse crap. We know there will be figures and vehicles. Hell, the three Joes are on the box art this year! Give us prices. If you tell me that there will a figure 2 pack at the con for $50, I can't see 2 figs for $50 and automatically know that it's going to be a Star Duster and Grand Slam. But, I do know that it's a product I want and I can give people money to buy it.
6. We stopped putting the newsletters online because people were taking the content and posting it on other sites. This is called theft of intellectual property and is not fair to the members that pay for this content.
Hmmm. How about you make info free? Info costs nothing and gives you credibility. Benefits of membership can be discounted product, early con entry or access to exclusive seminars or roundtables. Keeping info out of the hands of collectors segregates the community and has pretty much rendered the Club's "info" obsolete. Offering it online, timely and free to everyone would make MC the place to go for info instead of
I had been working on a replacement technology but never got it finished. I asked the membership if there was a flash expert out there that could help 0 responses. This is your club and if you have items you want to see us put on the web site or in the magazine, we need help doing them. There are basically 3 people that touch everything you see online, in print, made in a factory. We barely have enough time to produce what we get out... our productivity is extremely high...but for the bells and whistles we need help and we need specifics.. not "gee I don't like the menu system." Don't like it? Send us a sample of what you would like. Member input is the key. There are almost 3,000 of you and 3 of us.
3 of them...hmmm...that's not what was offered up a while back in regards to some other dealings. Interesting that numbers change when it benefits them....
Also, again, it's our fault. We pay them and they want us to do their work. When we don't and complain, we're to blame. How about putting that membership money to work and going to some classes to learn how to do this stuff? That's how real businesses work.
7. We do have plans to update the message board but because of the integration that is in place, we will have to fix this one. However, I have seen absolutely 0 suggestions as to what you would like added. We need specifics not "this is outdated". Be part of the solution.
Again, our fault. He can't figure out what a message board should have?!? It's not that hard and most standard packages have the features that people want. Plus, I'm sure the "0" suggestions are actually "0 that I've cared to listen to".
8. Our primary way we communicate with the membership is through the Magazine each month. The boards were created to let you communicate with each other and ask us questions from time to time. If we spent all our time reading every post, we would never get the work done on the figures you want. If we miss a thread somewhere, send us and email and ask us to look at it. I get 200+ emails on a typical day and I answer about 98 per cent of them.
You know what? That's typical of anyone who has a job. Everyone gets tons of email every day. Magazines and print publications are outdated and even those who are in that industry will tell you that. It's time to modernize and realize that the web is the present, not the future and trying to ignore it only makes you obsolete.
Not in this post but let me address this:
9. We walk a fine line trying to serve both 12" and 3 3/4" collectors. Each side gripes that we don't give them enough attention. We can only work with the articles and input from the members. We try to balance everything we can and my suggestion to all members is take the blinders off! First of all, we are all G.I. Joe Collectors! As a collector, there are things (I promise!) in both scales that would be interesting to you if you take the time to learn about it. Also, just because you don't like something, don't trash it as there are others that do like it and all you do is make them mad. Like your mom told you, if you don't have something good to say, don't say anything. It is not important that everyone's opinion is heard on every topic as they are just that, opinions. Not facts.
So, quit [LASER BLAST] about how bad I do my job because someone might listen and I might lose this gravy train I've been on the last few years.
10. When thinking about how the club works, don't ***ume because all you are doing in posts is mis-leading others. We saw on another board where someone said "I heard they lock all the posts over at the GI Joe Club Forum..." No one came to our defense because no one knows that we only have to lock 2-3 threads a year when they get out of control. Rumors don't help anybody.
Interesting that he doesn't have time to respond to email, update the site and do everythign else but does have time to read threads about him. (He'll deny he has time, but certainly seems to know who is saying what about him.....) The reason no one comes to the Club's defense is because their actions are largely indefensible. They have pulled so much underhanded and outright shady things over the years that they have no credibility in the community and no one trusts them. As such, if someone says something about them, it is believable based on the club's past actions.
Again, this is your club. We can't be everything to everybody but the more you put into it, the more fun it is for everyone. We do want your input, we do want your help. The more you build this club, the more we can do, for all collectors.
Sorry for the rant but I felt it was time to answer back and sledge, I am not picking on you.
Yet, when people have volunteered to help, the Club either doesn't respond or turns them away. Basically, they want to sit on the haunches, collect their fees and do as little as possible and we can suck it up and take it. Yeah, that's who I want representing fandom....