roguetiger wrote:
I can't see where MASK is more DANGEROUS than GI Joe .......... GI Joe and COBRA KILL people..............MASK never shows any harm coming to GI Joe has NUKES............
Well M.A.S.K. is part of G.I.Joe while V.E.N.O.M is part of Cobra.
When I made these comments I was talking about individual M.A.S.K. personnel vs Individual Cobra personal and the same goes for the two other groups. Mind you I said more dangerous than most. If their is any character without a vehicle that carries around nukes that is a cobra or joe then I guess they would count as more dangerous.
One of the reasons the masks used by MASK and Venom are so dangerous as apposed to using a rifle or any firearm, is the fact that they don't need to use their hands nor move their arms to use their abilities. This mainly applies to the Masked people that are using projectiles instead of some enhancement.
Their weapons are always facing the direction they are facing and will have a higher reaction speed to attack compared to a combatant that has a holstered weapon. Surprise and unfamiliarity in itself is a very deadly weapon.
Take Sly "Wrecker" Rax for example. He fires energy daggers on command out of hit shoulders. Now unfortunately he will have the advantage over most people Cobra sends him out to attack, including unfortunately, the cooler looking steel brigade troops. Unless you have fought or seen Wrecker in action you don't know he is walking around to what in essence is a high capacity energy automatic twin blastic knife on his shoulders.
See a lot of their abilities are highly dangerous because they are not standard, and they way they would be used is unconventionally. Fight smart and unconventionally/unfairly is what wins wars.