OK, so I was digging through my fodder bin, throwing parts together and came up with this guy, but I don't know what to do with him. I liked the Viper head on him, but he needed something more, so I cut up the lower part of Reso Destro's jacket to make it like a waist cape.
He's mostly inspired by the ARC Troopers from the Clone Wars (The Gendy Tartakofski version, not the the current CG version) in one of the first segments where the ARC Troopers break off on their own then are shot down. The lead trooper had the dual pistols and the waist cape and he looked pretty cool.
I'm more into making him a named individual than part of some team.
Head: Viper
Body, web gear: MARS Trooper
Belt/holsters/waist cape: Resolute Destro
Some people, when trying to avoid thinking about those things that cause them pain, turn to drink, food, or drugs...I turn not to any of those...I collect action figures. Over the years, I've found that alcoholism is much more socially acceptable by far.