On the custom I like it, unique and fitting. would like to see a closer picture of the mouth mod.
roguetiger wrote:
Very cool custom but SE Don't need armor
. Plus a Sniper rifle isn't really a SILENT weapon. As Tommy aka Storm Shadow told Stalker in issue 26 "Although a surpressor stilfes the discharge of a rifle, it does nothing to silence the sonic boom of the bullet" So therefore Snipers can still be heard just not seen very well.
Plus SE would more likely use the Bow and arrow than a sniper rifle.
Would SE use a Bow and Arrow? Is there any instance in the comic or 'toon where he used a bow and arrow? (though he did come with a blowgun in his V3 incarnation).
Not being beliigerent, I just don't ever remember him using one. Which is why I most lilkely do not associate him with a Bow.
For that reason, I always thought SS was iconic with his Bow and Arrow, because of the early comics, and his V1 figure (and v2...)
Always looking for the following heads (or full bodies) to purchase or trade for:
Ret Lady Jaye
ROC Helix / ROC Dialtone
25th Serpentor / ROC Speed Metal
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