Co-ed naked mud wrestling.
What? You didn't say it had to be Joe related.
Honestly, and I know this was covered in the Hasbro tour this year, but I'd like to see the entire development process of a figure. From initial concept to final packaging. I don't need guarded secrets like how they create the tools, just a step by step walk through of an average figure from start to finish. How the concepts are presented for approval. How long it takes to go from drawings to mock-ups to 2-ups to paint to blah blah blah. That would be a great panel at any convention. And just to tie in all the different "eras" of Joe, have a rep from the 12" days do a comparison of how they did things back then to how its done now. What methods are the same, what's changed and what they would do if they had today's tech during the 12" days. And vice versa, how 3 3/4" Joes would be different had they been produced 20 years earlier.