cabanajack wrote:
Surprisingly after a good run in the 80s and 90s - its seems like Psyche-Out's roll has really fallen short. I remember seeing a TV show about a decade ago regarding psychological warfare weapons in development, yet with a decade of war we haven't heard of much use of it since Panama. Meanwhile with the high suicide rate of our soldiers, you can see where Psyche-Out may have shifted his talents to play a greater role as team counselor.
Trust me Psyche Out is pulling down double duty, and most likely has an entire team of guys in BDU's with Airforce insignia and no rank shown. Probably all wearing really douchey sunglasses.
we don't hear much about them because everything they do is very heavily classified. The leaflets we drop on various countries stay classified until they are actually dropped out of an aircraft. Getting into the mind of the enemy, and more importantly the non combatant locals is a very big part of modern American warfighting. Psyche Out is the man, but most certainly a douchebag. also when you get the level of combat the Joes are qualified for that suicide rate plummets.
As much as I like Blowtorch he needs a black ops update. He is a walking talking treaty violation, but I guarantee he'd be used in the mountains of Afghanistan. Like NAPALM the powers that be would give him a new formula in his tank re name his flame thrower to chemical weapons destroyer especial and call it good.
I think guys like Airtight, BBQ, Toll Booth, Mainframe and Tripwire should be given good solid updates. the joe team concentrates heavy on the name takers, but the specialist could really use some love.
Gaigaan-Dnok wrote:
First I want to say danielb is a bastard.
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