kingofpain26 wrote:
a) if G.I.joe is a child driven toyline, why do you invite COLLECTORS to Toyfair?
b) if G.I.joe is a child driven toyline, why is the main push for the line always in venues that CHILDREN USUALLY DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO? (how many kids vs adults go to Joecon and SDCC?)
Because Hasbro's employees all grew up and are fans of the older stuff, and as such want to make stuff to make adult fans happy, and sometimes that means having to go the collector-exclusive route. Besides, the design teams still appreciate the devotion the adult fans have for the brand.
Just because kids make up the main purchasing percentage doesn't mean fanboys can't get tossed a bone every year.
a) female figures dont sell
Im assuming their basing this on either old 80's research, or the sales of ROC (which they didnt bother to cross reference the fact that the head sculpts were HORRIBLE) Especially considering that Zarana SOLD OUT at the con, and collectors keep ASKING for more female figures.
You've got me there, I noticed the 25th female figures sold decently. Heck, Helix, horrible a character as she is, sold decently.
If Hasbro is Truly a Business, and in the Business of Selling toys, and the consumers are ASKING for female figs, why the hell not give it to us? Consumers asked for new flavors of soft drinks and we Got Coke with Lime, Vanilla coke, and so on...
Maybe you should run a poll across toy boards... see how many adult fans there actually are buying Joe toys. After all, a few hundred fans asking Hasbro at SDCC isn't exactly the same as people all across retail asking for them.
You're far too young to be this bitter and angry at the world....